09 September, 2015

Red Aurora

Sept 8, 2015 - image on Spaceweather

Red-Green Aurora
Sept 8, 2015 image on Solarham

Cosmic Impulses

Sept 9, 2015 

NOAA data

Magnetic Storms


Sept 11, 2015
Strong Storm

"Crop circle connections"

Brief recap

Medusa crop circle

Medusa impact on all living entities

HaShem ~ Mayim

The "Solar disk" brought joint stellar and cosmic action

Trapezoidal Waves

Chichen Itza - Mexico

"Solar disk"

electromagnetic pulse 

"Sunflower" of Life

DNA mutations

A biological awakening sheds light on aspects never even considered before

Solar-Jupiter joint activity bears impact on the rest of the 
"solar family"


1.618 golden ratio of evolution

16 JOVIAN moons

Planet Jupiter

Light-Sound waves capable of transforming all forms of matter are pouring down on this Humanity

Planetary Engagement means "Planetary Engagement"!

There are Cycles of Creation on Earth 
current human science is not aware of 

Daylight and Night cycles of Creation 

This Humanity is barely emerging from a Night cycle of Creation during which Awareness of Self and of Cosmic environment is very pale

Since the last Daylight cycle this Humanity has been buried in a cycle of forgetfulness and complete obscurity

Humans are legataries of a past cycle of High Illumination left behind by People with multidimensional reach and vision that some cannot fully comprehend today

Wise people understand there are things they don't know and stand ready to learn and to be informed  


Changing Cycles of Creation bring forth Mutations of all sorts

Acceleration of "God particles" means 
incoming high speed photonics

Photons are particles of Light and Vibration that carry an intention with them


"Humans" as we know them are not the only People that look "Human"

But also, 

People that don't look entirely "Human" are more humane then the Humans themselves are towards each other at this time

Cosmic People and interdimensional beings are assisting Humanity in this Awakening in ways deemed appropriate during this Transitional Period. 

Their messages are educational,  informational, 
inspirational and ascensional in intention and purpose
(not necessarily alarming in nature! - Humans do not require additional assistance in that respect - they already excel in harming and alarming themselves and others as it is)


Universe is a House of Brethren

Cosmic Eyes עֵין

The Cosmic Brethren is assisting the process in harmony with Cosmic Laws 

Their activity could be construed as universal and as planetary Service


Humans are part of a Living Luminal Vibrant Universe though they may not understand it yet

Strokes of heavenly light require Cosmic Eyes and Ears



A Transitional Period of Discoveries and rapid Mutations
is in effect


Some are expecting a "Messiah" who brings "Salvation"

מפתח مفتاح clavis

Masteach or Maphteach is an ancient composite notion embodied today in an Arabic and Hebrew word that means...

Key to Enlightenment


On a global level

The Key is Plural and it involves Everyone

Strokes of heavenly light originate in Higher Realms of Existence
and do NOT require any special displacements of people or samples of populations of any creed nor any artificial territorial arrangements whatsoever

Neither such strokes of Light nor any people of creed, race or origin need not be construed as harmful 

Luminal transformation embraces the whole Planet

The "promised land" or "the new world order" 
is the onset of a new Era and new Cycle of Daylight 

The Keys of Heaven are self evident and operate on Recollection of Self 
Translucent Inner and Outer Truth

Inner Peace brings about Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge and Wisdom accelerate Evolution

Much to Learn and to Discern

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Mares Estelares - Luminal Waters - Facebook Page

Amêndoa Salvação Barreto - Youtube Channel

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