17 June, 2015

Sands of Time - Crop Circle Wiltshire UK - June 15, 2015

Photo: Steve Alexander

Mirrors and Reflections

Sand Clock
 Colliding Inverted Pyramids of Time 
Collision with Illumination and Destiny
Beginning of a New Cycle 
Different Concepts of Time and Reality

Two Towers
in the Background of the Picture 
Terrestrial Trunked Radio
Tetra (4)
formerly Trans-European Trunked Radio
a two-way transceiver 
system uses Time division multiple access
 specifically designed to be used by Govt. agencies
perceived "amplitude modulation" at 17 Hz 

Precession of the Equinoxes
"Changing of the Guard"

But also...

Brain Waves are measured in Cycles per Second 
Herz waves

Intensified frequencies are associated with faster brain activity and with an Awakening of Consciousness

First Update on June 21, 2015

spike in Proton flux 

Second Update 

Third Update

Fourth update

Links: connecting thoughts 

Radiation Storm June 22, 2015

Closing of Cycles: an Era for Change