Update July 27, 2016
Update on July 25, 2016
reported on July 24, 2016
Non Human aircraft
Crop Circle drawing - kornkreis
Update July 13, 2016
Flower for Life and of Timelines
Tulpenweg in Großziethen
Update June 29, 2016
The Portals are Open
Time Tunneling is at hand
The Wheels are in Motion
drone footage
Update June 12, 2016
Update May 16, 2016
May 15, 2016
Electron spin
Close-up shot
Hymne an Deutschland
Update on July 25, 2016
reported on July 24, 2016
Non Human aircraft
Crop Circle drawing - kornkreis
Update July 13, 2016
Flower for Life and of Timelines
Tulpenweg in Großziethen
Reported on July 12, 2016
Flower of Time
Signs for the new generations
Signs of Hope, Rotation of Times and Change
Update June 29, 2016
Neuer Kornkreis 28. Juni 2016 in Ringslebenstr,
Großziethen, Berlin, Brandenburg
The Portals are Open
Time Tunneling is at hand
Planetary evolution
"...Everyone is necessary - but no one is strictly
The Wheels are in Motion
drone footage
Update June 12, 2016
Kornkreis am
12.Juni 2016 in der Gerlingerstraße ,
Update May 16, 2016
Crop circle was the adopted designation for gigantic geometrical drawings made by Extraterrestrial and Intraterrestrial Humanities on the Harvest Fields across the world to remind Humans of Knowledge lost during the Nighttime cycle of Creation of Earth
May 15, 2016
Electron spin
Close-up shot
One of the many aspects of the natural Toroidal spin of the Cycles of Creation is that it breaks-up old patterns and links manifested by those who are naturally also unable to Evolve
Hymne an Deutschland
des Glaubens
ist möglich sich zu verändern
ist möglich eine neue Weltanschauung zu entwickeln
Eine frische Anschauung
Neue Erfahrungen
Lehre und Entwiklung des Seins
video of crop circle formation
Crop circle or Kornkreis was
the adopted designation for gigantic geometrical drawings made by
Extraterrestrial Humanities on the harvest fields across the world to remind us
of Knowledge lost during the Nighttime cycle of Creation of Earth
video of crop circle formation
Eine Frische Weltanschauung - link
Innerer Frieden
Soziale Harmonie
Cosmic knowledge of spin and integration reflected in the Indian Bhagavad Gita
Galactic spin
identical to
Atomic spin
click here for
->Understanding Old Symbols for the Purpose of Forging Peace<-
Außerirdischen kommunizieren auf der Herz-Ebene
Extraterrestrials have always been communicating at the Heart level
We are failing to see this
Auch für Deutschland
direkte Links in grün für die Zeichnungen und Videos
Venus Pentakel Blume
und wieder Berlin:
Mandala: Groziethen, Berlin
Ankommenden Sonnen Echoes
Neuer Kornkreis
am 7. Juli 2015 in Großziethen bei Berlin
Mandala: Groziethen, Berlin, Germany - Deutschland
The crop circle makers are clearly trying to communicate something very meaningful to bear in mind during the inevitable social and economical transformation cycle currently underway around the World
From Sanskrit meaning Circle. Formed by squares and/or triangles Mandalas offer has a concentric structure.
Mandalas are tools to offer visual elements to inspire inner and outer Unity and Harmony and radial Balance.
Die "Weisse Bruderschaft" - unsere kosmische Bruderschaft war diese Woche wieder dabei
Warum leuchten die Sterne?
...weil alles Licht Bewußtsein und Geometrie ist.
...eigentlich wir sind alle kleine Sterne im Lichte des Kosmos...
Schau mal...
Da oben leuchten die Sterne und unten Leuchten wir
Es ist Zeit ein anderes Verständnis von uns selbst und unserer Rolle im Universum zu entwickeln
Venus Pentakel Blume
"Wheel of life" Road