23 May, 2015


A Verdade é feita de coerência entre

Intenção projetada

Pensamento criativo

Palavra proferida

Acção consciente 




= Truth  =

a coherent  alignment of 

Intended Purpose
Creative thoughts  
Spoken Words 
Conscious Actions 


Time, Matter and Spirit


All physical matter is a product of ethereal light willingly densifying itself according to geometric patterns creating different expressions of itself throughout various inter-dimensions. 

In doing so it also creates an important side-companion we call Time. This Essence accompanies matter and its vibratory frequency in progressive mathematical ratios.

As a product of geometric patterns of Creation directed by conscious light-magnetism - Time performs many important functions. 

Time stores Memory.

It provides the sense of Now and of Locality.

Time offers varying types of organization we call temporal. 

The organization offered by the geometric gyrations of physical matter - Stars and planets - is well reflected in the way humans partially perceive time. 

Simple examples of this: 

a year equals a complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun; currently a month is a composite between the twenty-eight day lunation and the Gregorian solar calendar expressing the Sun’s yearly travels through the Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac; 

a day corresponds to a complete rotation of Earth around herself occurring every twenty-four hours; an hour is a segmentation of a dual day-night cycle of twelve hours each from midnight to midday.

In addition, Time helps to degrade physical matter back into energy and it can effectively be used for other types of constructions.

Time can be transcended

As a construct of Geometry time can be dissolved gradually in regressive mathematical ratios either by external or internal luminous factors. 

Time can be regarded as a tool. 

Time can be bent, folded and unfolded in many Folds called Dimensions of Time and Matter.

Time can suspended, at least for a while

Time can be accelerated 

An external direct impact of high speed photonics directed by higher forms of god-consciousness transforms matter making it atomically more subtle and therefore more “conscious”. 

Case in point, the global awakening of the current Aquarian spring: “Multitudes who Sleep in the dust of the Earth will Awake” - Hebrew Scriptures, Daniel 12:2:    

A similar direct impact of high speed photonics directed on bio-intelligent beings may transform their biological vehicles and spark in them more awareness and enable conscious re-connections

In this case, the first impression of the dissolution of Time is perceived as it speeds up dramatically accompanying that subatomic transformation. 

Solar Awakening

Dissolution of Time may be caused by self-conscious evolution that allows access into other Dimensions. 

Notions of the interchangeability of Time throughout the various dimensions of Creation was conserved in the World in these words: 

For a thousand years in your eyes are but as yesterday when its past and as a watch during the night”. Hebrew Scriptures, Psalms, 90:4

The same notion was repeated in these other words:

However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with God as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day”. Greek Scriptures, Petroy Beta/2 Of Peter, 3:8.