27 August, 2015

Electronic impact

Crop circle Cervia Italia

Sun-Jupiter conjunction

watch video here

Electronic impact

22 August, 2015

Solar Disk

Crop Circle August 19, 2015 - Etchilhampton Wiltshire 

Solar Disk

watch video here

Solar disk

watch video here

watch video here

For those can hear the Incoming cosmic activity

Sun enters Virgo

August 23, 2015


18 August, 2015

Portugal: multidimensional and extraterrestrial cosmic engagement Fatima, Cova da Iria 1917


English version


From the so-called “Dream Stele” at the Great Sphinx of Giza survived certain Ancient Knowledge embodied in the symbol of an Inverted Sphinx.

American Psychic Edgar Casey reintroduced and reminded the World of this important information.


As before and as always

Oceans are reflections of Heaven 
Waters are record keepers

Athlán - name of an Ocean reflecting the Sky

TH - O - TH

The Inverted Sphinx facing West

The Atlantean Lion

The Paw of the Lion holding Atlantean Knowledge 

Setting the initial stages for the Cosmic Awakening

At the Heart Chakra of Earth


As per anterior cosmic design 

To this day, the only massive multidimensional and extraterrestrial planetary engagement in the history of this mankind took place at the Inverted Sphinx 

It was not intended for, exclusive to or even related to any specific Human religion. 

It was Universal in nature. 


Fatima, Portugal

Portae Lucis

70.000 People present at the series of events reported by the local Newspapers

May 13, June 13, July 13, August 19, September 13 and October 13


Humans did not understand the purpose, width, depth and scope of those initial mass visitations

האמת لجنة تقصي الحقائق

Hand of Miriam

The Unifier

All in One
One in All

Universal Truth

Radiant Powerful Transformative

Truth knows no Secrets 

versão Portuguesa

A New Era is Dawning

~ ~ ~ ~

16 August, 2015

Sun Earth Electromagnetic Field - Storm

Light-Sound waves

composed from their perceptive

Paradigm Change

Roundway return to Essence

Luminal Impact

False prophecies 
fantasy castles

Medusa effect

Geomagnetic storm


August 17, 2015

Planetary Engagement



August 18, 2015

For anyone following this Blog crop circles carry important messages. 

Reading and understanding those geometries may be relevant

the second half of the video below is self-explanatory


August 21, 2015

Solar Disk

Crop circle message of August 19, 2015

In the video

"Planetary Engagement" here above:

"Non-sinusoidal waveforms include square waves, rectangular waves, triangle waves, spiked, trapezoidal and sawtooth waves. A single unit can flash out multiple sine waves of different frequencies; each wave can carry and manifest multiple frequencies.  A Fourier Transform converts a wave in the Time-domain to the Frequency-domain. An inverse Fourier Transform converts the Frequency-domain components back into the original Time-wave."


August 23, 2015

watch video here

15 August, 2015

Falcon - Birds and Feathers represent Divine Spirit

Hampton Lucy, Stratford-upon-Avon
August 8, 2015

Philae, Egypt


Eye of Horus

Human Eye of Horus

Pineal Gland 

Gland is shaped like a pine cone

Cosmic Antennae

Spirit - Matter connection


video below 


Birds and Feathers represent Divine Spirit and connection to God Consciousness 
Bird crop circle messages 

~ ~ ~

A New Day is Dawning 

It is Time for Harmonic Cosmic Co-Existence

link: Apocalypsis

~ ~ ~ ~