Light-Sound waves
Paradigm Change
Roundway return to Essence
August 17, 2015
August 18, 2015
For anyone following this Blog crop circles carry important messages.
Reading and understanding those geometries may be relevant
the second half of the video below is self-explanatory
August 21, 2015
Solar Disk
Crop circle message of August 19, 2015
In the video
"Planetary Engagement" here above:
"Non-sinusoidal waveforms include square
waves, rectangular waves, triangle waves, spiked, trapezoidal and sawtooth
waves. A single unit can flash out multiple sine
waves of different frequencies; each wave can carry and
manifest multiple frequencies. A Fourier Transform converts
a wave in the Time-domain to the Frequency-domain. An inverse Fourier Transform converts the Frequency-domain
components back into the original Time-wave."
August 23, 2015
watch video here