10 May, 2015

Ankh * Llave de la Vida * Chave da Vida * Key of Life

El Baston de Mando * Aaron's Rod * O Ceptro

Hebrew * Arabic * Christian: Messiah ~ Maphteach ~ Mashiach ~ Messias

מַפְתֵּ֫חַ * Keys * Llaves * Chaves * مفاتيح

Hebrew * Arabic * Christian: Messiah ~ Maphteach ~ Mashiach ~ Messias

Simply put the people who return and help to open the Gates of Understanding...as prophesied.

eyes II - II eyes

mirrors - reflexos - reflejos
integration - integração - inegración

מַפְתֵּ֫חַ * Keys of Life * Llaves de la Vida * Chaves da Vida * مفاتيح

transliteration from Hebrew/Arabic: maphteach; massteach; maessiach

eyes II - II eyes

mirrors - reflexos - reflejos
integration - integração - integración 

שָׁקֵד Sacred Almond

Mandorla Mística * Almendra Mística * Amêndoa Mística


Crop circle Vesica Piscis - "Mandorla Mística
 "Almendra Mística" - "Amêndoa Mística"
"Crown Fish"

Stellar intersection - the Crown Head

Crop circle was the adopted designation for gigantic geometrical drawings made by Extraterrestrial Humanities on the harvest fields across the world to remind us of Knowledge lost during the Nighttime cycle of Creation of Earth

Vesica Piscis lace 

Vesica Piscis. a petal within the Flower of Life

Draw your own Petal 

Recreate your own Life in Harmony with every other Petal
