15 October, 2015


Light - Vibration - Manifestation 

Neptune symbol of Cosmic Waters


Creational Trio

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Across the World serpents are symbols of 
Creational Light and Wisdom


13 October, 2015

Day of Peace: cycles of planetary biological creation and world religions

Why are Cycles of planetary biological Creation related to the origin of current world Religions?  

Daylight and Nighttime cycles of Creation

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Earth is a Mother of life. Apart from a multitude of other veiled aspects unbeknownst to this Human race there are evolutionary twin Daylight and Nighttime cycles of Creation on this Planet. 

These twin cycles are conjoined - but the existing civilizations during each cycle operate under very different perceptions of Time, Spirit and Matter and hold different views on purpose for their own Existence.  

Nighttime cycles of creation is a proposed designation for planetary biological existence when typically individual and collective Consciousness contraction occurs accompanied by a complete forgetfulness of the existence of these cyclical and contrasting biological environments. 

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Working along the Precession of Equinoxes - the so-called Great Platonic Year - the previous Daylight cycle of Illumination and Expansion took placed during the Great Ages of Virgo-Leo

Precession of the Equinoxes

Currently, the Great Age of Pisces is culminating a long Nighttime cycle of contraction 

Here under a precessional rotation reminder left behind at the Giza Sphinx

We know that the solar disk or sphere was left in legacy as a reminder that Sun stars are physical and ethereal Portals that run large cycles of Time, nurture biological life and conform Human Consciousness

 Solar winged disk

Connection to Totality

Twin cycles of Contraction ~ Expansion of Awareness

One stands tall and illuminated - the other contracted and forgetful

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Let's imagine that each solar sphere on this excellent drawing here above represents a connection to "Totality" and a measure of "Awareness". Note the spheres moving progressively-and-regressively forming two round cycles embracing and reflecting each other. This drawing is similar to the existing biological cycles of life on Planet Earth. Jointly they also represent solar cycles.

If we focus our attention on the drawing hereunder it is noteworthy that the smallest sphere is a fractal of the largest sphere representing "Totality" but also the point of Origin of the whole construct. 

Totality equals Origin
the same way as 
The information contained in a competent seed equals the entire Tree

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Within those twin contrasting cycles of creation modern times intelligence could be represented by the smallest contracted sphere. 


Immensely relevant is the fact that the "smallest spheres" are legataries of Art, Culture and Cosmovision left behind from a cycle of Illumination when universal consciousness and multi-dimensional vision was present.  

The "Awakening" process is less fruitful if we don't grasp the wider context. Knowing that this Humanity is emerging from a Nighttime cycle of creation may broaden our understanding. 

In fact, these cyclical contrasting environments are the main reason for why  "modern science" does not understand or even know: 

  • real cosmic origin and purpose of our biological existence; 
  • wider cycles of Time associated with gyrations of Matter along the Precession of the Equinoxes, and respective reincarnation cycles;
  • origins and purpose of ancient archaeology all around the Planet exhibiting very similar construction techniques and stellar knowledge completely unknown in modern times
  • reasons for an alleged "departure" of such awesomely intelligent architects; 
  • multi-dimensionality of this Planet and the existence of cosmic People with pluri-dimensional capabilities; 
  • original versions of the Information and contextual circumstances buried in the texts that gave rise to ALL current world religions;
  • unified origin of such cosmic Information - note that in this scenario Human religions stand now as mere scattered fractals of what once was Unified Planetary Knowledge. In other words, they all share a common origin stemming from important Cosmovision left behind from the Great Ages of Virgo-Leo.


By now people should be wondering why are extraterrestrial humanities casually cruising the Skies far and wide, high and low - as they always have - while seemingly ignoring everyone on ground? Or are they all ignoring us cold?

Are some People assisting us in unsuspected ways and simply waiting for our Intelligence and Discernment to develop further and to become a larger "solar sphere" once again?

All of these simple acknowledgements may give us a better reading of "History", they may give us a better reading of certain messages that appear on the Harvest Fields and in written form, and they may give us a better understanding of sudden changes and movements occurring nowadays. 

For instance, perhaps current day "Humans" are not the only People that look Human. Perhaps certain People never ceased to be smart and tall. 

Current day Human leaning up against the walls of a construction of the "Roman Empire"

construction dating approx. 12.000 years ago

The fundamental different here is the reach and elasticity of the "mental sphere" 

Today Humans still fail to understand the relevance of the origin of these ruins

Current day Humans sitting comfortably on a mere single pillar of a construction of the "Roman Empire" 


Perhaps modern day favorite "idols", "great leaders", "respected scientists" and "false prophets" don't know it all. So the point here is perhaps they should stop pretending that they do. We need to acknowledge what we don't know to attract the helpful information that makes us evolve. This rule perhaps applies to everyone: idols and worshipers alike.

All of these circumstances surrounding the current "Awakening" were always widely expected and well anticipated since the days of Old. In reality, all of this information was left on the ground. 

However, during the extreme contraction of Nighttime cycle the "small spheres" couldn't understand the value and function of that Legacy. The warning of the tribulations that would certainly accompany the current "Awakening" survived the Cycles of Time under the biblical name of planetary "pangs of childbirth". 

These "pangs of childbirth" may include changes in Consciousness status, biological transmutations and affect climate due to the fact that from Time-cycle to Time-cycle Universal Motion transforms all living physical matter on Earth in predetermined gyration of certain Sun Stars connected to our Solar system.

Notwithstanding, building a new and more constructive attitude may set in motion events that trigger the clarification of all the "mysteries" of Old and it may help to dissipate fears of certain undeserved "prophecies".  Why are they "undeserved"? 

To begin with maybe the original texts contained very different Messages that contracted minds didn't quite understand throughout the whole Nighttime cycle.  The Information that was left on the ground by "large spheres" was reinvented - so to speak - by the "small spheres". In essence, by knowing, remembering or learning what was originally left behind here, Humans can change the Present by revisiting a Past that was not fully comprehended. And in doing so we can change the Future.


A certain type of Spiritual growth may be a key factor 

An open Mind may lead us to Wisdom and Knowledge 
Abandoning senseless inner fears of undeserved "prophecies" and abandoning inner and outer wars affords Inner Peace 

Inner Peace is KEY to understanding the original versions and science that flourished in those Daylight cycles of Existence 

Inner Peace shall help us to unravel the mysteries surrounding the real origin of world religions  

Inner Peace allows for a truer sense of Freedom 

Freedom favors harmonic existence, human evolution and multidimensional ascension 

And it may initiate a 

Long Daylight cycle of Happiness

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To a certain extent Humans are co-creators of their own reality. 


Amêndoa Salvação Barreto - Youtube Channel

09 October, 2015

Message of Prudentópolis, Paraná - Brasil

Prudentópolis, Paraná 


"Terra das cachoeiras gigantes”

Message of Prudentopólis, Paraná - Brasil

Prudens-Prudentia: Latin expressions that carry on certain level an implication of Wisdom and Foresight and Anticipation, also known as "Sabedoria" in Portuguese  

Vesica Piscis

Eye of Revelation ~ Cosmic Fish ~ Sacred Almond - Stellar intersection

crop circle October 7, 2015 - Prudentópolis Brasil

Large gyrations of Matter

Transiting Planetary Alignment in Virgo



A geometry containing Jupiter Venus Mars and Moon transiting 


Alpha Virgo - Spigha

Agroglifo no Paraná, Brasil

Arista (shape of antennae of wild rye or wheat, or the insect spike that picks up the vibratory movements of the ether) - Arista is also the designation of Alpha Virgo

Virgo ~ Virgem 

Cachoeira:  o Salto São Francisco 

Creational Light

"Cascading luminal waters"

gamma ray burst

Extraterrestrial Humanities bring forth relevant messages of Knowledge lost during the Nighttime cycle of Creation when typically complete disconnection occurs


On a last note, 

Pisces is a symbol of Union of twin reflections; the Vesica Piscis is a feminine geometric symbol resembling a Fish and an Eye. 
It is what they call the "Christ" symbol. 

Pisces - Virgo 

From Virgo to Pisces 
the path was evolutionary  
Pi - Phi 
there was evolution around an anchoring axis
π φ 

Vesica Piscis

A simple petal in the Eternal Flower of Cosmic Life

It is necessary to let go of violence towards Life and Self, Others and Planet
