16 July, 2015

On the night of the New Moon at 23º Cancer

at the Whispering Knights

Wiltshire, UK

A Pentagram exceeding boundaries 
containing a Pentagon 
birthing an internal Crescent
in conjunction with
a New Moon symbol

In the dance of the three cosmic spheres the New Moon is a transiting conjunction of Earth-Moon-Sun


What could this represent?


Divine essences project Geometries

A single geometrical manifestation packs a lot of information and so it can reach multiple people at once and carry the correct message that each one requires 
It can also be the birth imprint of multiple structures whether architectural, biological or crystalline and it can represent the synod of cosmic sphere patterns illustrated in the Earth-Venus companionship travels around the Sun 

Observing geometries was essential in the development of multi-dimensional reasoning abilities in Ancient Times

Cycles of Creation


subatomic particle consisting of four quarks and one antiquark (unifier) bound together, just announced by CERN.

Framing the Divine Particle Within Ourselves
A spark of Divinity is present in Everything and in All

 Icosahedron - dyhedral rotations and reflections - symbol 2 + 3


Crop messages projected by Cosmic Humanities embrace many aspects of Consciousness 

New Moon at 23º Water Sign Cancer 
by the Moon

Time for Acknowledging the Divine Feminine within 
long forgotten by both Males and  Females alike

The Pentagon was an ancient symbol of the Golden Ratio, Brotherly Love or Philadelphia

Atlantean concepts 

from Greek

φι + αδελφος

The Divine Pair Within and Without
An Inner Balance of the
Feminine and Masculine Polarities
and the Union that represents 
Harmonic Creation 

The Venus Rose: 
synod of Earth-Venus jointly travelling around the Sun eternally - Aphrodite -the original symbol of Divine Love and Magnetism

How many saw the Multidimensional Pair represented as a Cosmic Butterfly years ago?
...the Divine Feminine has been forgotten by all...  


New Moons also offer new beginnings and when occurring in Cancer, the Water sign of the Mother, it directly invites us to birth a new Vision and new Understanding.
23º Cancer - 2+3 symbol means 
Unity and Fraternity
present in all Human Cultures and Traditions 
They have more in Common than they realize


In addition, interestingly enough while all of this was taking shape - across the Sky stood the New Pluto in Capricorn - the mirror of Cancer - supposedly flashing a Heart at the New Moon and hopefully at a new Humanity soon to Awaken…

Pluto the perceived ruler of the Underworld has a New Heart

Inner Illumination


followed by Radiation storm
