Mares Estelares - Luminal Waters ~ Art of Cosmic Gnosis ~ Gnose Cósmica em Arte
08 May, 2015
Flor da Vida no Mundo * Flor de la Vida en el Mundo * Flower of Life around the World
Universal Symbol of Multi-D
imensional Existence and Perception
Crop Circle
ז Zayin
IntraTierra * IntraTerra * Inner Earth
Espelhos Cósmicos, Espejos Cósmicos, Cosmic Lenses
Inner Sun and Inner Worlds, Sol Interno - Mundos Internos
Hermandad Blanca, Irmandade Blanca, Inner Fraternities and Humanities.
Seres Estelares, Seres Estellares and Cosmic Beings
THOTH, The Atlantean - The Halls of Amenti (Tablet II)
عين Ayin
עֵין Ayin
Ajna आज्ञा
Vesica Piscis: Símbolo Feminino * Símbolo Femenino * Feminine Symbol
vesica - vatica - vaticana
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