14 July, 2015

The Hare of...

Honeystreet - Wiltshire 

With a single crop circle extraterrestrial humanities can
reach many people at once 

Each person or group of people will read into it exactly what they need to know according to their level of Consciousness and Cultural background


During this transitional period of Awakening extraterrestrial humanities assist us on a multidisciplinary basis.  

Apart from knowing and understanding Human culture, beliefs and traditions they also  also have a very fine sense of humor 

Hares are swift animals

The five species species of central and western North America are able to run at 64 km/h (40 mph) and can leap up to 3 meters (ten feet) at a time 


A legacy of ancient Egypt - an ancient writing
using "hieroglyphs"

a form of communication using universal intuitive images each symbol containing a composite concept



link: ALICE, CERN and the Hare

ALICE is a Large Ion Collider Experiment within CERN link

The particles that need acceleration are the "Particles Within"

-> Inner Earth ~ Higher Earth ~ Inner Self ~ Higher Self <-


Mad as a March hare is a common British English phrase originating in ancient collections of proverbs.

The March Hare feels compelled to always behave as though it is tea-time because the Hatter supposedly "murdered the time" whilst singing for the Queen of Hearts and he also appeared at the trial for the Knave of Hearts and for a final time as "Haigha" - the personal messenger to the White King in Through the Looking-Glass (a.k.a. yellow golden cube, for some)

On the ground the message was perceived as a friendly recommendation or advice of sorts by the science space crowd to the ground crew...


On a wider perspective this message also gives us an opportunity to take a look at these short films which we might have missed otherwise ...

Video link

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