29 September, 2015

Late sephardi Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri and his message: The Time is Ripe


 וְיָצָא חֹטֶר, מִגֵּזַע יִשָׁי; וְנֵצֶר, מִשָּׁרָשָׁיו יִפְרֶה.
"And there shall come forth a shoot out of Ysh'ay and out of her roots a new fruitful Tree shall grow"
Isaiah 11:1

This calling dates back many Sun rotations 

It survived the Sands of Time
across the world as
Isa, Yshaiah, Yeshayahu, Yeshua, Jesus, Yisu or Isaiah

In all religions
Tanakh, Christian bible, Noble Quran, Hindu traditions

What does it mean?

In Truth 

neither the world religions nor the esoteric school 

leaders seem to really know the origin of the expression they hold 


Salvation or σωτηρία (sotiría)

or the nature and purpose of the "New World to Come"

The Time is Ripe

World religions have formatted the collective soul and collective unconscious behavior of this Humanity

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri

Multiple years back a rumor got around that the late Sephardi Rabbi (arrabi mor) had left a message before his departure:   

ירים העם ויוכיח שדברו ותורתו עומדים

transliterated as

Yarim Ha’Am Veyokhiakh Shedvaro Vetorato Omdim

herein described as meaning

"The knowledgeable ones shall raise overall awareness of the People by spreading their Word and the worth and validity of their Teachings shall be acknowledged" 

Why is this relevant?

The unrest in the Middle East is engulfing Europe. As a result of touching the "Heart" of the Planet this unrest is impacting the whole world. 

Their conflict is largely related to the "prophecies" of the Abrahamic religions and is "embodied" in an all too familiar Israeli-Arab conflict.

Suffering from an acute sense of orphanhood, consciously or unconsciously, all three Abrahamic religions and all esoteric leaders are hoping for the "Messiahs" who shall cast "Salvation" on their inner "blindness" and show Humanity the way forward...

All three religions  and all esoteric schools share the exact common origin - a Legacy of an ancient race with multidimensional vision and reach. Throughout the sands of Time the esoteric leadership has tried to interpret multidimensional concepts they don't understand.

Instead of hoping for "Messiahs"

Keys of self recognition, a clean mirror, and the Will to clean up the mess they made would be truer concepts to hope for

Ankh - key of life

watch video here 


25 September, 2015

Blood Moon Harvest Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse 


At One in and with Divinity 

4º RAM 


Primeval Fire 

Primeval Sound

προς ρωμαιους
pros ro̱maious

A Calling from a Time-cycle when Ramaios never meant "Romans"


A New Daylight of Creation cycle is Dawning 

Milky Way center is flaring

Rosh is a Hebrew word that means "Head" - it should be construed as meaning evolutionary central "Crown"

In the Spanish language:

"...Las energías que están llegando del centro de la galaxia y que están movilizándolo todo de forma caótica, son poderosísimas y solo requieren de un timón, de algo y de alguien que las direccione y para ello se os preparó, para que controlen y aprovechen lo que está ocurriendo a vuestro alrededor. No hay límite para su capacidad de maniobrar las fuerzas de la naturaleza, solo que necesitan estar en armonía con ellas.
Lo que tiene que ser y darse desde España para Europa se dará a pesar de la gran oposición y resistencia, eso no puede retrasarse más, y todo contribuirá para ello.

Es cierto que quienes se mantienen en la oscuridad y mantienen a muchos adormecidos y distraídos planean cosas terribles que hacen tropezar a la humanidad con el desaliento, la desesperanza y el pesimismo, por ello hay que anticiparse redoblando esfuerzos, poniendo una luz muy potente en medio de las sombras, y esa luz deben de ser ustedes.

Hay mucho por descubrir y que debe de ser expuesto , por lo que pronto aparecerán los descubridores y los descubrimientos que cambiarán toda perspectiva anterior. Pronto verán los científicos en el cielo la confirmación de múltiples realidades, lo que les llevará a mirar hacia adentro cambiando su visión de las cosas…”. 
Excerpt of extraterrestrial message Mayo 2015 - Sixto Paz

In the English language:

"... The energies coming from the center of the galaxy mobilizing everything in a seemingly chaotic fashion are very powerful and only require a rudder, something and someone to direct them correctly and for this you have been prepared, so that you could take control and take advantage of what is happening around you. There is no limit to your ability to maneuver the forces of nature -  you only need to be in harmony with them.

What has to be given from Spain to Europe will occur despite the strong opposition and resistance; this can not be delayed any further, and all shall contribute to it.

True, those who chose to remain in the dark and keep many in slumber and distracted are planning terrible things that cause humanity to stumble with discouragement, despair and pessimism. All the more reason to anticipate such actions, redoubling efforts, putting a very bright light in the middle of the shadows, and that light should be you.

There is much to discover and that must be exposed, so soon new discoverers and new discoveries shall modify all anterior Perspective. Soon your scientists will see in the Heavens confirmation of multiple realities, which will lead them to look inward and to change their view of things ... ". 
Excerpt of extraterrestrial message May 2015, Sixto Paz

In the Portuguese language:

"... As energias provenientes do centro da galáxia e que estão mobilizando tudo de forma caótica, são muito poderosos e requerem apenas um leme, algo e alguém que as direccione e para que tal foram preparados,  para que controlem e retirem  proveito do que está acontecendo ao seu redor. Não há limite para a vossa capacidade de manobrar as forças da natureza, apenas precisam de estar em harmonia com elas.
O que tem de se dar a partir de Espanha para a Europa irá dar-se apesar da forte oposição e resistência, e não poderá ser mais adiado, e tudo contribuirá para tal.

É verdade, aqueles que permanecem no obscurantismo e que mantêm a muitos na sonolência e distraídos, planeiam coisas terríveis que fazem tropeçar a humanidade com o desânimo, desespero e pessimismo; por isso há que saber antecipar, redobrar esforços, e colocar uma luz muito brilhante no meio das sombras, essas luz deverão ser vós.

Há muito para descobrir e deve ser exposto, prontamente novos descobridores e novos descobrimentos vão alterar toda a Perspectiva anterior. Em pouco tempo os cientistas verão surgir no no céu a confirmação de múltiplas realidades, o que irá levá-los a observar-se por dentro para dentro, e mudar a sua visão das coisas ... ". 
 Excerpt of extraterrestrial message Maio 2015, Sixto Paz

The "Crown" Awakens and Beams

19 September, 2015


Luminous DNA

Bio ~ luminal ~ essence 

Greek βίος meaning "life" - φῶς meaning "light"

A biophoton  is a photon of non-thermal origin in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum emitted from a biological system.

luminous neurons 

There are significant DNA transmutations taking place at this time as a result of 

Planetary activity

Cosmic radiation

Embedded luminal codes in Humans DNA filaments

Individual achievement 


Update September 21, 2015

Electronic Impact

Protonic Impact

Update on September 20, 2015

Major magnetic storm 

Coronal Mass Ejection "CME" release

For visual cosmic context

Sun - Earth

Every "body" originates from, is made of and linked to Ethereal Light

- Gif Image - 

Extraterrestrial activity around the Sun

17 September, 2015

Accelerating God Particles

עוּר - עָר - של

Milky Way Luminous Dome

A Temple is a field of Conscious Manifestation 

Atlas: photon emergence

Told you there would be an "acceleration of god particles"

sudden impulse

Universal Motion creates and transforms all living physical matter in predetermined Cycles of Life according to Cosmic Plans

From Time-cycle to Time-cycle creational cosmic waves impact, transform and reinvent all living forms, mobilize all forms of matter and modify climate conditions on Planet Earth in perfect harmony with Divine Plans  

Incoming and interacting photonics and lumina are not necessarily meteorites 


Some of us have already developed biological abilities to actually hear and partially decode movement of luminal-waves 

In the wake of the Chilean Earthquake


This whole entire crop circle season extraterrestrial humanities were informing Humans of an increase in light-vibration-manifestation conditions impacting "our world", i.e., an increase in the vibratory frequencies impacting us

They communicate information by using geometrical codes - the most objective language Humans could conceivably understand 
Fortunately most of such messages were discussed in an objective manner on this webpage
Red Aurora


On a related note, 

Slowly, but surely Humans begin to understands that everything is made of Light...

as above - so below

13 September, 2015

Rosh H'Ashanah

Rosh - Head

Twin cycles complete

New Earth Rising

Crown Pulse

watch video here

Universal Motion 

From Time-cycle to Time-cycle force of Great Spirit creates and transforms all living physical matter in predetermined Cycles of Life according to Cosmic Plans


Rosh Hashanah - Yom Kippur

~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~




Eyes - Ears - Voice


Consciousness - Vision - Radiance

Yom Kippur ~ Yawm Kphr

Khefren ~ Khafra 


Update September 17, 2015

in the wake of the Chilean Earthquake...

Heart Pulse

Upright Tri-Angle - Masculine Symbol
Reversed Tri-Angle - Feminine Symbol

Ysh - Ash 
are ancient Voices representing aspects of Divinity

Ysh Ra El
originally was a creational operative concept

(apart from the fact that subsequently, towards the end of the so-called Night cycle of creation, Humans consecrated a nation under that Voice)   

Superimposition and rotation 

Crown - Heart - Illumination
אישה - Ish'a 
Divine Feminine

New Earth Rising

Update September 26, 2015

The Crown Awakens and Beams 

Rosh H'Ashanah

09 September, 2015

Red Aurora

Sept 8, 2015 - image on Spaceweather

Red-Green Aurora
Sept 8, 2015 image on Solarham

Cosmic Impulses

Sept 9, 2015 

NOAA data

Magnetic Storms


Sept 11, 2015
Strong Storm

"Crop circle connections"

Brief recap

Medusa crop circle

Medusa impact on all living entities

HaShem ~ Mayim

The "Solar disk" brought joint stellar and cosmic action

Trapezoidal Waves

Chichen Itza - Mexico

"Solar disk"

electromagnetic pulse 

"Sunflower" of Life

DNA mutations

A biological awakening sheds light on aspects never even considered before

Solar-Jupiter joint activity bears impact on the rest of the 
"solar family"


1.618 golden ratio of evolution

16 JOVIAN moons

Planet Jupiter

Light-Sound waves capable of transforming all forms of matter are pouring down on this Humanity

Planetary Engagement means "Planetary Engagement"!

There are Cycles of Creation on Earth 
current human science is not aware of 

Daylight and Night cycles of Creation 

This Humanity is barely emerging from a Night cycle of Creation during which Awareness of Self and of Cosmic environment is very pale

Since the last Daylight cycle this Humanity has been buried in a cycle of forgetfulness and complete obscurity

Humans are legataries of a past cycle of High Illumination left behind by People with multidimensional reach and vision that some cannot fully comprehend today

Wise people understand there are things they don't know and stand ready to learn and to be informed  


Changing Cycles of Creation bring forth Mutations of all sorts

Acceleration of "God particles" means 
incoming high speed photonics

Photons are particles of Light and Vibration that carry an intention with them


"Humans" as we know them are not the only People that look "Human"

But also, 

People that don't look entirely "Human" are more humane then the Humans themselves are towards each other at this time

Cosmic People and interdimensional beings are assisting Humanity in this Awakening in ways deemed appropriate during this Transitional Period. 

Their messages are educational,  informational, 
inspirational and ascensional in intention and purpose
(not necessarily alarming in nature! - Humans do not require additional assistance in that respect - they already excel in harming and alarming themselves and others as it is)


Universe is a House of Brethren

Cosmic Eyes עֵין

The Cosmic Brethren is assisting the process in harmony with Cosmic Laws 

Their activity could be construed as universal and as planetary Service


Humans are part of a Living Luminal Vibrant Universe though they may not understand it yet

Strokes of heavenly light require Cosmic Eyes and Ears



A Transitional Period of Discoveries and rapid Mutations
is in effect


Some are expecting a "Messiah" who brings "Salvation"

מפתח مفتاح clavis

Masteach or Maphteach is an ancient composite notion embodied today in an Arabic and Hebrew word that means...

Key to Enlightenment


On a global level

The Key is Plural and it involves Everyone

Strokes of heavenly light originate in Higher Realms of Existence
and do NOT require any special displacements of people or samples of populations of any creed nor any artificial territorial arrangements whatsoever

Neither such strokes of Light nor any people of creed, race or origin need not be construed as harmful 

Luminal transformation embraces the whole Planet

The "promised land" or "the new world order" 
is the onset of a new Era and new Cycle of Daylight 

The Keys of Heaven are self evident and operate on Recollection of Self 
Translucent Inner and Outer Truth

Inner Peace brings about Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge and Wisdom accelerate Evolution

Much to Learn and to Discern

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Mares Estelares - Luminal Waters - Facebook Page

Amêndoa Salvação Barreto - Youtube Channel

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