וְיָצָא חֹטֶר, מִגֵּזַע יִשָׁי;
וְנֵצֶר, מִשָּׁרָשָׁיו יִפְרֶה.
"And there shall come forth a shoot out of Ysh'ay and out of her roots a new fruitful Tree shall grow"Isaiah 11:1
This calling dates back many Sun
It survived the Sands of Time
across the world as
Isa, Yshaiah, Yeshayahu, Yeshua, Jesus, Yisu or Isaiah
In all religions
Tanakh, Christian bible, Noble Quran, Hindu traditions
Tanakh, Christian bible, Noble Quran, Hindu traditions
What does it mean?
In Truth
neither the world religions nor the esoteric school
leaders seem to really know the origin of the expression they hold
Salvation or σωτηρία (sotiría)
or the nature and purpose of the "New World to Come"
The Time is Ripe
World religions have formatted the collective soul and collective unconscious behavior of this Humanity
Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri
Multiple years back a rumor got around that the late Sephardi Rabbi (arrabi mor) had left a message before his departure:
ירים העם ויוכיח שדברו ותורתו עומדים
The unrest in
the Middle East is engulfing Europe .
As a result of touching the "Heart" of the Planet this unrest is
impacting the whole world.
Their conflict
is largely related to the "prophecies" of the Abrahamic
religions and is "embodied" in an all too familiar Israeli-Arab conflict.
Suffering from an acute sense of orphanhood, consciously or unconsciously, all three Abrahamic religions and all esoteric leaders are hoping for the "Messiahs" who shall cast "Salvation" on their inner "blindness" and show Humanity the way forward...
All three religions and all esoteric schools share the exact common origin - a Legacy of an ancient race with multidimensional vision and reach. Throughout the sands of Time the esoteric leadership has tried to interpret multidimensional concepts they don't understand.
All three religions and all esoteric schools share the exact common origin - a Legacy of an ancient race with multidimensional vision and reach. Throughout the sands of Time the esoteric leadership has tried to interpret multidimensional concepts they don't understand.
Instead of hoping for "Messiahs"
Keys of self recognition, a clean mirror, and the Will to clean up the mess they made would be truer concepts to hope for
Ankh - key of life
watch video here