31 July, 2015

Green Light for the Cosmic Awakening

Green Fireball over the Skies of Argentina Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
July 30, 2015

ISSA Voicing Echoes of Remembrance

Circles of Life
Flowers of Evolution
Cycles of Awareness
Living Memories ~ Cycles of Incarnation

This publication was originally posted on Google Plus via Blogger and was published on the Main Facebook Page of "Crop Circles, UFO, Ancient Mysteries and Scientific Speculations" on July 31, 2015 following the discovery of the above drawing designed by Non Human Entities on July 29, 2015 North Downs Merstham, Surrey, UK 

Base Chakra


Origin ~ Genesis

יְשַׁ הָיָה

Light of Eternal Existence
Unified Sun Stars

Galactic Traveler and Anchor of Light

Cycles of Incarnation 
 Living Memories

Brief Segments of forgotten History

The Great Ages of Virgo-Leo

Atlantean Civilization

Galactic Traveler and Anchor of Light

12.000 years ago (linear Time) 

Originally at the Age of Virgo this Kingdom spanned from the Islands of the Atlantic ocean to northern Africa where it was present in areas which the Earth has deeply modified or no longer exist, from the Caribbean to the coasts of the Mediterranean sea covering certain areas of the Middle East, and reached an important segment of India and the surrounding mountainous areas to the north. Cosmic connections were in full swing at that Time on the Surface world.

Current Day illustration 

This once bright shinning civilization completely disintegrated amidst horrendous wars and other decadent practices 

"Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana (fast aircraft)
hurled a single projectile (rocket) charged with the power
of the Universe (not a nuclear device). An incandescent column of
smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose with
all its splendor.
It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic
messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race
of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable.
Hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause,
and the birds turned white.
…After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected…
…to escape from this fire the soldiers threw
themselves in streams to wash themselves and their
The Mahabharata

 Recent discussions on the topic

"...In a series of articles written by A.Koltypin entitled "Flying vehicles and nuclear weapons in ancient India", and papers by P.Oleksenko "Artifacts of Ancient India", "Secrets of downfall of Mohenjo-daro. Whether the city was destroyed by a nuclear explosion 4000 years ago?", and articles by several other researchers have presented convincing arguments that the ancient Indians or Aria which, as many believe, were the authors of the Vedas, used in ancient times space shipsflying vehicles and "weapons of the gods." According to the "Mahabharata", "Ramayana", the Puranas and other ancient Indian texts, the descriptions of "weapons of the gods" are surprisingly reminiscent of modern nuclear, thermonuclear, neutron bombs and cruise missiles, as well as laser, geophysical and climatic weapons...." - in  Earth before flood

“..Samva brought forth, through that curse, a fierce iron bolt that looked like a gigantic messenger of death.…the fact was duly reported to the king. In great distress of mind, the king caused that iron bolt to be reduced into fine powder. Men were employed, O king, to cast that powder into the sea. At the command of Ahuka, of Janarddana, of Rama, and of the high-souled Vabhru, it was, again, proclaimed throughout the city that from that day, among all the Vrishnis and the Andhakas no one should manufacture wines and intoxicating spirits of any kind, and that whoever would secretly manufacture wines and spirits should be impaled alive with all his kinsmen. Through fear of the king, and knowing that it was the command of Rama also of unimpeachable deeds, all the citizens bound themselves by a rule and abstained from manufacturing wines and spirits."


Strike by Divine Intervention
the Age of Virgo

Incoming from beyond the local Sun Stars 

Luminal codes were clearly indicating it was necessary to change course of action 

The Voice of Issa 

in Isaiah Chapter 34 - Initial words

Hebrew Scriptures 

Come up close you nations and national groups to Hear - addressing the Earth and All in it - for Divinity has indignation against you and rage against your armies...

Pisces - Virgo Axis 
Vesica Piscis  

Symbol of the Age of Virgo

Isaiah and the Unicorn

Earth has unveiled visible scars as evidence of such occurrences


Current speculations

“…For David Davenport, an Englishman of Indian origins, expert of Sanskrit, a thermonuclear explosion isn't a far hypothesis at all... The final touch was a sudden holocaust of fire. Davenport came back from Pakistan with some sample remains from the city. The CNR lead a serious analysis that amazed the researchers: the objects brought by him appeared to be fused, glassified by a heat as high as 1500°C, followed by a sudden cooling.".

“white hot smoke that was a thousand times brighter than the sun rose in infinite brilliance and reduced the city to ashes. Water boiled…horses and war chariots were burned by the thousands… the corpses of the fallen were mutilated by the terrible heat so that they no longer looked like human beings…”


Indus Valley



Mohenjo Daro

Divine Power

Each territory received retribution according to past deeds and hidden or manifested intentions - mostly it was related to mental putrefaction and to a stubbornness to conform their actions to the new incoming luminal codes

...scattered remnants after the ensuing Ages of Flood and Sorrow

Saudi Desert

The blast that came from Above to culminate their wars and abuse of Power on the Planet

in Remembrance...

...carved on natural Stone

Said Divine Intervention was felt worldwide where it was needed

“…Many scientists have sought to explain the dispersion of large glass rocks in the deserts of Libya, the Sahara, Mojave, and many other places in the world, as products of gigantic meteorite impacts. However, due to the absence of accompanying craters in the desert, the theory doesn’t hold up. Neither satellite imagery nor sonar has been able to find any craters…”

If Past Memory serves us correctly

From those occurrences of 12.000 years ago in this region of the Surface world, currently named Bermuda triangle, derives the expression "seeing is believing" 

All of this area is very sensitive and it includes the Gulf of Mexico and it extends to the South  

In those Days a regional ruler uttered words in disbelief or in dismay

Upon realization of the loss he said final words equivalent to: "...what have we done..." 

In addition there are current discussions concerning vitrified forts in Scotland

“…For over 250 years, archaeologists studying ancient Scottish ruins have reported a type of construction said to defy explanation. About sixty of these rough stone wall enclosures have been found throughout Scotland, and even a few scattered across mainland Europe. Most are prehistoric. Called vitrified forts, they're notable for a unique and surprising feature. The rocks that make up the walls were originally stacked dry, with no mortar; but have been fused together into a solid surface through a process called vitrification, the transformation into glass. How can rock be melted into glass using prehistoric technology? Some say that it can't because the temperatures required to do it are far too high, and that the only plausible explanation is an ancient atomic blast….”

Pursuant to the Voicing of Issa

...Originating in the High Heavens they are descending to transform the entire Planet...

The Power of a thousand Suns 

...in Isaiah Chapter 13:5

The mountain peaks were merely the first ones to hear the Sound of the Cosmic Winds blowing

There are very good reasons for which 'Redemption' became a rather famous word from then onward. Actually, it obeys ascension criteria established by Luminal Hierarchies.

Who are they? 

These are the Cosmic Entities in charge of managing gyrations of Sun Stars

~ ~ ~ ~

Illustration of the works of "Krishna"

currently mistaken for

"ancient atomic weapons"

sung by survivors in the Stri Parva 


12000 years ago 

~ ~ ~ ~

After the wars were terminated by Divine intervention a New Kingdom was founded in the territory currently known as Egypt from which very relevant revised political and existential concepts emerged and came to be acknowledged and adopted - worldwide. The Great Age of Leo was inaugurated. 

These brief segments of forgotten History - including of cosmic history - explain the existence of a multitude of archaeological sites, some of colossal proportions, some still bearing signs of instantaneous  destruction. 

It also explains the obvious similarities between subsequent astro-archaeological constructions around the world built over planetary energetic strong points as these "ley lines" were perceived back then. 

Kh'aephr Khnum ~ Kh'aeph'is H'Elaion

As mere examples, a location survived bearing the name: Kfar Nahum and a structure survived bearing the name Khafra or Khefren - name of Pyramid by the Sphinx

Most of such constructions were erected during the Great Age of Leo. At the initial stages of that Age - Peace was achieved. The Unification of a few cosmic prototypes was agreed on various levels. 

A confluence of circumstances 

As it were, the Middle East is a meeting point and mostly a passage way of planetary "vital energies" of different origins and textures: African ~ Southeast Asian ~ Far East Asian ~ European. 

For this reason after 12.000 years worth of multiple layers of cultural assumptions this area has once again lent itself to conflict. Surely, at these apocalyptic times, taking a larger context into consideration cannot and should not harm anyone.



at the origin of the denomination Yissachar and remembered by Historians as Iusaas 

" …The fourth lot came out  to Yissäj¢är יִשָּׂשכָר for the children of Yissäj¢är יִשָּׂשכָר according to their families. 
in   Yoshua Chapter 19 - Verse 17

...or Isaiah, The Atlantean High Priestess Politician - born on the Islands in front of Africa

Now as before from hearing and perceiving the sound and luminal information generated by the axial rotation of Earth... 

Zodiac ceiling displaying the precessional Cosmic connections of Earth 

Dendera - Egypt

Sustained by Ka - the Power of the conscious Human Soul


often addressed the People of the inner and outer Islands - and the former collapsing 'Atlantean Nations' announcing the onset of a New Cosmic Cycle

The planetary turning point had been activated by a Cosmic electromagnetic Atmospheric change designated as a

square wave


The Surface world of Earth was initiating a resting Cycle followed by a multi-millennial period of biological recreation of the existing living species

For the Surface world such downward Cycles of Existence are characterized by Spiritual disconnection and Consciousness contraction

Dual Cycle of Creation

Since then throughout a long turbulent Cycle of Existence contact with Non Human races faded out until it was actually interdicted even with Inner Earth Civilizations. 

Here under 

A symbol of Dual Cycles of Creation along the axial rotation of equinoxes

was placed at the Heart of the Sphinx 

Reflecting mirrors ~ contrasting tonalities of Light

Meissa <-> Issa

Interpreting the Cosmic Information emitted by the Sun Stars 

Many Solar and Planetary rotations have occurred since 

Ancient scrolls were left on the Ground for worldwide reference 

Some of the Cosmo-Philosophical Teachings of Issa remain conserved in a collection of documents designated as Doctrine on Essences, or Letters of Ψaul, subsequently known as "Saint Paul" and Letters of Creation, or Ptah (Petra) subsequently kept as Letters of "Saint Peter"

The Cosmic Atmospheric change justified these words: 

"...Consequently we have the Word made more sure and the People do well in paying attention to it as to lamp shining in a dark place until the Galactic Day dawns and the morning star rises in their hearts...".  
included in the Second Scroll of Ptah, currently known as Second Letter of "Peter"

On the interchangeability of Time throughout the various Dimensions of Creation

"However, let this fact not escape your notice, beloved ones, for a Day is like one thousand years with Divinity, and one thousand years is to Divinity merely like a Day..."

The immutable archetypes always survive

Kh'aephis H' Elaion

"...One Universal body, one Spirit, one Divinity, one Faith and one Power of Great Spirit who is over All, flowing in All, and through All...".
included in the Letter Towards Ephesians  


Such original comments are Highly Archetypal in nature and form part of an undeciphered much Larger Conceptual Planetary and Cosmic Context.

A Root of Life conserved Planet wide

Dragon blood tree

Precessional Cross

As expected the Cultural Legacy left behind has suffered natural mutations several times over

Mastering the Flow of Cosmic Waters

10.500 years ago (linear Time)

Light of Sirius 

Home of Cosmic Politicians and Instructors of Humanities 

 Diamonds of Transformation

"Pineal Gland"

~ Cosmic Vision ~

As stated at the end of the Cosmic wars Peace was achieved and a Covenant was signed

An ancient Covenant by and between the Brethren of Cosmic races

Pleiades ~ Arcturus and Ummo Science ~ Gates of Orion ~ Command of Sirius ~ Gran Draco, Draco and associated races

Historic ~ Cultural ~ Genetical
kinship and blood ties with the Surface World

The immutable archetypes always present

Ancient Atlantean Sovereign-Consort Priest Politician

House of Siblings

Mirror reflections of each other
 The twins

Seal of Solomon
crop circle drawing 


Venus ~ Earth 
synod forming a natural pentacle mandala around the Sun

~ Venus Wave ~

This royal couple lived prior to the construction of the current existing Egyptian structures designed merely to conserve "Memory"


Author and co-author of Universal Existential concepts based on the 

7 Refractions of Light 

7 Dimensions of Consciousness inhabiting the Physical and Ethereal realms

7 Chakra system

Menorah unified at the Heart - 4th Chakra

 7 Sounds for Cosmic creation

Song of Songs ~ Song of Essences 


Ontós refers to the nature and core fabrics of Existence

Psalmoi Solom'Ontos ~ Song of Eternal Essences 


Psalms 90 : 4

"A thousand years in thy sight are merely as yesterday when it is past, and as brief as the few hours of the night"

Pursuant to the Voice of Issa

A Temple is a field of Manifestation

Sh lom - S lam 

Completeness in conceptual elongation

cascading squares waves

From Time cycle to Time cycle old fields of Manifestation naturally subside to make way for renewal and resumption in synchronicity with renovated Essential stellar and solar gyrations of Light


The Human Body is a Temple of Life and a Temple of Knowledge capable of anchoring a Soul in Matter generating another life form in 9 moon cycles

DNA is an antenna 

Co-author of the concepts contained in the original Song of Songs ~ subsequently Song of Solomon or Song of Life

Elah an ancient expression to signify

Higher Love

in and over All existing Dimensions

Complements and reflection mirrors of each other

Feminine ~ Masculine

Union in Balance 

Dual Projections of Spirit ~ Twin souls  ~ Mirror cycles

Representatives and projections of the ever evolving reflection

Ha'El'aiah ~  Divine Eternal Love


Key of Life

Here under

Typical dual cycles of Creation of Planet Earth

Twin Luminal cycles

A Song we created capable of retaining the theory of portals conceived as electromagnetic cosmic reflection mirrors

Sobek at the entrance of the Heavenly Osirion

Co-author of  Plans of Reunification at the closing of the Cycles

two eyes ~ two witnesses 

Sobek was a real Person with a Human Face

here under remembered in full Pharaonic attire

At-One-with-Divine-Mind at the Crown

the wavy protuberances emanating from the Crown Chakra
constitute a pictorial way of symbolizing direct conscious connection to the interactions of cosmic and planetary electromagnetic force fields 

The Crocodile appeared subsequently as a Symbol honoring the Rivers, honoring also inherent Creational Power, Inner Strength and Foresight as Cosmic Essences of Life

Amygdala is a Greek word for Almond

 Almond-shaped glands

Cerebral Fire Eyes

Marie Magdalene (subsequently Madeleine)

The Divine Feminine as the magnetic component of the electromagnetic force field
  Symbol of Magdala or Migdal 

Ancient Immutable archetypes conserved for subsequent coherent renewal

Magdala, Israel

Migdol - "The Watchtower" 
Honoring the Cosmic Plan

Reunion Island activation

Monte Mabu rediscovered in Mozambique

The Great People of the Sea

Hand in Hand 

You are Alive


Fast forwarding Cosmic and Terrestrial Plans 

Dawning in the distance...

I saw a New Earth

2400 years ago (linear Time)

Know Thyself
γνῶθι σεαυτόν

...a seed of reminiscence replanted by a person commonly referred to as Plato but whose real name was


At-One with Divine Mind and Purpose


Timaios ~ Timaeus 

The immutable archetypes always survive

Phi ~ Pi
Ágora ~ Αγορά 

Greek biblical expression for stellar intersection or assembly

Universal Theo-Philosophy 

From his own personal reminiscence he reminded everyone that a Great Civilization in possession of a notable set of ethereal Knowledge had existed before the fall, and called them... 


Beyond the Pillars of Hercules ~ an overnight collapse

Kritias ~ Kriseis ~ Krisein 

As preparation for the "Future"

Greek biblical expression for third eye vision 

Legacy anchored around the Island of  S'Amos

Ch'ristos ~Aristos
grammatically as an Adjective or qualification

Ch "Egyptian"

X corresponds to Greek letter Ch and it was used to signify the Atlantean Cross

or, Ch "Greek"
The Atlantean Cross

cropcircleconnector archives

Poli Théa - toroidal vision 

From his Socratic dialogues or  Σω-κρατική διάλογοι.

Socrates, was the main self-discovery theatrical character conceived as a tool of maieutics: the art of birthing light in oneself, μαιευτικής τέχνης. 

Poli Théa

πολιτεία manuscript

Through a dialogue held between Glaucon and Socrates the Nighttime  cycle worldwide Humanity was famously described as a community of beings living inside a cave bound by their necks and legs, backs turned against the outside light where their perception of the world and of themselves was limited to mere shadows projected against the only wall they could face. 

Pre-Columbian representation 
Tonina Mexico

Similar representations can be found in Egypt

“Strange parable,' Glaucon said, “...and strange captives”. “Yes, they are us. Now suppose you suddenly turn them around and make them face the real objects. Will they believe them to be real? Will their eyes not be dazzled? Will they not try to run away from the light and run back to what they can behold without blinking? Suppose further they are dragged up a steep ascent into the presence of the Sun itself? Will their eyesight not be disturbed by the excess of light? Indeed, some time will have to pass before their eyes can adapt to Reality. Only then shall they recognize the moon and stars and behold the Sun - all in their proper place – as those who give the year and the seasons and as the real Authors of all they see. 

But oh, they shall rejoice in treading from darkness into light!”

Coherent Universe 

One Spirit ~ Same Soul ~ Multiple lives ~ Different Bodies

On the basis of Ariston's Philosophical conceptual legacy "Christianity" was conceived as a "theological" doctrine in large measure following the Voicing of Isaiah

....or Issa (also known as Iusaas), the Atlantean High Priestess

Designed on the Solar Disk February 12, 2017


Yaermyiah ~ Jeremiah

Chapter 1:11-2

"...See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, To pluck up and to break down, To destroy and to overthrow, To build and to plant." The word of the LORD came to me saying, "What do you see, Jeremiah?" And I said, "I see a rod of an almond tree." Then the LORD said to me, "You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it...”. 

Yeshua a word that means Salvation

The Genesis Principle of Heavenly Openness  

Starlight emitted by the heavenly bodies compels the awakening Soul to look inwards and up 

Re-Connection to Great Spirit is best accomplished internally establishing a direct open connection with Divinity via the Higher Self. 

By acknowledging the Sky patterns shinning with we can be channeled out of the density of that much confining mental cage and be transported into higher dimensions of perception. 

Yissachar or Ishaq 

Stellar Intersection

Surah Maryam 19:1

Kaf Ha Ya `Ayn Sad

~ ~ ~ ~

Sound indicating the Presence of Divinity 

Shin - Hebrew : Sigma - Greek : Sad - Arabic 

Issa  currently known in Islam as Isa 

Referred to in the Noble Qur'an:

Surah Al-Imran 3:48 

وَيُعَلِّمُهُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَالتَّوْرَاةَ وَالْإِنجِيلَ

...To whom Divinity will teach and has taught the Book and Wisdom, and the Torah and the Injeel 

Surah Az-Zukruf 43:57

وَلَمَّا ضُرِبَ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ مَثَلًا إِذَا قَوْمُكَ مِنْهُ يَصِدُّونَ

And when the off-spring of Maryam steps forth some may fall in disbelief...

Surah Az-Zukruf 43:58

وَقَالُوا أَآلِهَتُنَا خَيْرٌ أَمْ هُوَ مَا ضَرَبُوهُ لَكَ إِلَّا جَدَلًا بَلْ هُمْ قَوْمٌ خَصِمُونَ

... and wonder: "well, who is better, our deities or that one?" Should they do so it will be for arguments sake only and they simply reveal their confined condition as confrontational people.

Surah Az-Zukruf 43:63

وَلَمَّا جَاءَ عِيسَىٰ بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ قَالَ قَدْ جِئْتُكُم بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَلِأُبَيِّنَ لَكُم بَعْضَ الَّذِي 
تَخْتَلِفُونَ فِيهِ فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُونِ

Now when Isa came forth with all evidence of the Truth these words were echoed: “I have now come unto you with wisdom, and to make clear Unto you some of that on which you are at variance; hence, be conscious of Divinity, and pay heed unto me".

   ~ ~ ~ ~

...further elements of forgotten History

Badam: or Almond 

Badami Four Cave Complex 

Orissa - Odisha 

As the level of Consciousness kept dimming down... 

Headless statuette
 when people behave more like beasts and less like purposeful and wholesome Souls  

Those who had once been the Offspring of Luminous waters

The Pride and Glory of Earth

Went from Ramaios to Romaios 

Mental putrefaction and complete social and ethical decadence became widespread

Said set of circumstances provides the historic socio-pathological context for these comments conserved in a biblical text known as Towards Romaios (Rhomaios) 

Chapter 1: 18 ... 

"...The wrath of Divine Spirit is currently being delivered from Heaven towards all the ungodliness of people who are deliberately suppressing and concealing the Truth in unrighteous manners... 

…their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened… they claimed to be wise, but they became fools who exchanged the Glory of Divine Essences for projected false images, they became themselves mere perishable creatures, like birds, wild beasts and reptiles….

the personified beast 

Therefore God gave them over, in the sinful desires of their hearts, to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another…

They exchanged the Truth for a lie, and worshiped and served fabricated and artificial things, rather than the Wonders of Natural Creation...

…As a result, the Mind of God turned them over to shameful lusts…and to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 

They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. Full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice, they are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful. 

They invent ways of doing evil; they have betrayed the Excellence of their Ancestry; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, and no mercy. 

And although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things shall be turned over to Divine slaughter, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them."

~ ~ ~ ~

Recognize the similarities across the Surface World today?

~ ~ ~ ~

Book of the Apocalypse

Greek Scriptures, also known as New Testament
last scroll of the Christian Bible 

In these segments we can find a brief synopses of a Final Warning and Strike which serves well as a reminder of those notorious Occurrences rewritten in medieval languages

Chapter 19

17 ~18 ~ 19 

..And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, "Come, gather together for the great supper of God so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small." Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army.
BUT... But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, the Cow and Goat.

Chapter 20 

1~ 2 ~ 3

And I saw an Angel coming down out of Heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain
He seized that devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years

 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore

Present Day...

Should Heaven strike yet again to culminate the Age of Pisces?

Various very recent real Extraterrestrial communications have yet again warned against the repetition of patterns of conducts on the part of the Surface World which have led, time and time again, to the repetition of destructive measures imposed by said Cosmic Luminal Hierarchies

 Is any of this a big "Secret"? Not exactly. 

It's Biblical...and seemingly very repetitious

ReConnected to the Solar Disks

Now as before, Solar disks are indicating cattle exchanges in the Temple

January 29, 2017

At-one-with Divine Mind

The re-building of the New Temple seemingly no one understood yet - 12.000 years on

And there is still absolutely NO NEED to kill the Messengers! 

In those Days, same as today, a worldwide "Sodom and Gomorrah" 

"...Your rulers have become rebellious and companions of thieves   Everyone loves a bribe and chases after rewards..."
12.000 years ago  

in Isaiah 1:23
The Heavenly Strike

"...It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate..." in First Corinthians 5:1

“…idolatry and sorcery; hatred, discord, jealousy, and rage; rivalries, divisions, factions, envy; drunkenness, carousing.. I warn you, as I did before…”. in Galatians 5:21

Real extraterrestrial communications are very serious in nature and take into consideration the real history of the worlds of this Planet and related relevant aspects of Cosmic History, including History unknown to Humans at this Time.

Here is one ...in 1917

Holographic vision projected by the Lady of Light, as described by the Children of Fatima:

"...the rays of light seemed to penetrate the Earth, and we saw, as it were, a sea of fire, plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form like transparent burning embers all floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke now falling back on every side like sparks in huge fires without weight or equilibrium amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals black and transparent like burning coals [...]".  

Holographic vision projected by the Lady of Light as described by the Children: 

"...we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated toward him from her right hand; pointing towards the end of the Earth the Angel cried out: "Penance, Penance, Penance!". And we saw in an immense light that is God, something similar to what people look in a mirror when they pass in front of it, a Bishop dressed in white, (...). Other Bishops, Priests, men and women religious going up a steep mountain at the top of which was a Big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork tree with a bark; before reaching (...) a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way [...] Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand in which they gathered the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God...". 

~ ~ ~ ~ 

Currently some are attracted to the affected areas of old and some have attempted to re-enact those ancient notorious existential failures

At the lost soul level do people want to re-experience that final 

Strike that came from Above?

As always everyone is redeemed

Some fare forward in Bio-Existence ~ some return to Star dust

Purgatory simply means to purge ~ at the ethereal level where real intentions are relevant in the Face of the All Seeing Divine Truth 

In many ways the current sociological sorrows of a crumbling society at the hands and deeds of those who resorted to nonsensical evilness is a mirror reflection of the sequence of events that led to the dissolution of the Age of Virgo 12.000 years ago:

Describing the average citizenry and foot soldiers before 

The Heavenly Strike


Chapter 53

Oppressed and afflicted
yet he did not open his mouth
Led like a lamb to the slaughter
and as a sheep before its shearers in silent
so he did not open his mouth
By oppression and judgment taken away
Yet who of this generation protested…
Cut off from the land of the living
for the transgression of my people he was punished
Assigned a grave with the wicked
and with the rich in his death
though he had done no violence
nor was any deceit in his mouth

As a result today 

one of Humanity's biggest icons is a Human Being stabbed against the precessional cross of the Planet at the hands of false intrigue, malicious gossip, arrogance - an extreme form of ignorant stupidity and a destructive "mindset" seemingly unwilling of redeeming itself  

cropcircleconnector archives

Salvation or redemption to Light is a composite process which includes, individually and collectively, awakening the memory of what and who we are

A fractal of Great Spirit residing in a physical body 

"One in representation of All"

Reaching higher

 Symbol of the Era of Virgo and Pisces 
ready for Aquarius

the Almond shaped Cosmic Fish

The Hidden Treasure

In reality every so often unfortunate or extremely unfair circumstances sometimes hold higher comforting hidden motives

Unity in Projection 

Subsequently designed on the Solar Disk

January 16, 2017

Kh'aph ~ Crown

Vital energies and journeys of the Universal Soul

Magnetic connections and toroidal reversals

Truth be told the Legacy left behind far exceeds the boundaries of any single territory

Planetary dynamics change in synchronicity with Cosmic gyrations 

The Surface World should be made aware of the existence of the realms of Inner Earth and its notorious populations, some co-existing in parallel timelines, some even co-existing in expanding different Dimensions   

Others areas of Earth are sustained by Cosmic Intelligence pertaining to the Realms of Grand Lumina

A brief description of the actions of Inner Earth was provided in a prior publication designated Rising Up to Cosmic Status related to a Cosmic Phenomenon which occurred over the Siberian Taiga commonly referred to as the Tunguska Event. 

Inner Earth : Higher Earth

"The Remnants of the People"  

Chapter 11:11

And at that Time Divinity shall once again extend its hand to recover the remnants of his People unifying the ones who remained closer to the heights of Divinity (Ashu) and to the Eternal Stargates, with the remnants of Inner Earth civilizations, with the People coming from areas around the local Sun Star, with People coming from foreign places, with the remnants of the Surface World willing to stand up (‘Wassyria) and embark on a new Pathway 

To be clear

This Planet is heavily inhabited on the inside

Inner Earth houses many different worlds populated by different races both Human and Non Human looking 


Earth is constantly visited by Off-world People from various Origins

Over the past decades contact with select souls incarnated on the Surface World has been conducted under a progressive and evolutionary process primarily due to the astronomical differences of amplitude and depth in cognitive reach between other co-existing Planetary entities and resident interdimensional civilizations and the general Surface World population.      

In parallel step, recently, newer teachings were channeled to the Surface World through guided telepathic communications, and via personal physical contact with select people for specific purposes. The following could serve as appropriate examples: the Book of Urantia, the Knowledge Book, or the Book of the 2000 Pages (better known in the Spanish language as El Libro de Samahel: libro de las dos mil paginas). 

These and other anthropological experiments were considered ancillary secondary missions for subsequent integration within a wider Opening and Reunification Process. Needless to say that while the contacteees themselves understood the nature of the experiments to the limit of their cognitive reach, the wider population either completely ignored or seriously doubted the veracity of the occurrences. 

On a few prior occasions these type of Contacts generated superstition, confusion, and even the creation of notorious religious movements and sects. For these and for further additional reasons, such as psychological and mental dependency, all Contacts had been superiorly interdicted since Ancient Times. As progressive growth in mental perception abilities was detected on relevant segments of the younger generations and in the more open minded Surface population a few Contacts were authorized. Jointly they have indeed served as important approximation precursors.

It should be noted that - though not all - definitely some of such Interdimensional entities hold the appearance of Angels to the Human eye. Whether ethereal or physical in appearance the scope and mission of their Contacts is primarily for counseling or voluntarily accepted guidance - they must not and emphatically do not wish to be worshiped in any way

Their Existence is to be acknowledged for what it really means and stands for 

~ ~ ~ ~


Spiritual Pole Reversal 

 Kh'aephr Khnum


Soul that captures the Information derived from the Stellar and Solar winds 

Ephrayim - part of the Song of the Universe

On the basis of those Cosmic interpretation and channelings...

Great Year around the Zodiac 

...some have created and anchored the Dodecahedron currently designated as the Zodiac around the precession of the equinoxes

 the High Altitude platform for the 12 tribes of Isra'el

Righteousness to flow from a Mighty Stream of Luminal Waters

for a New Humanity

The graphics display a series of ongoing intense infusions of Solar plasma - so to speak. They represent the initial stages of the onset of a New Precessional Cycle - by reference to the so-called Great Platonic year.  Incidentally, he was never called Plato or Aristocles. As stated his name was Ariston. 

Kleis means Keys 

The dramatic impacts of these events cause a rapid Atmospheric Change - which is in large measure responsible for the social turbulence that is currently felt across the World, as well as for some serious climatic and other types of earth changes. All of these circumstances were left behind as warning and as information in a series of ancient scrolls which came to be nominally known as "Bibles".

It's Time to embrace a new version of History, both History-Past and "Future"-history

New Concepts of Existence 

Age of Aquarius
an Era of Peace and Harmonic Coexistence

It's Time 

Inspire and Teach

Fall and Merger of Heavenly Waters

A New Star Light  

cosmic flower of life

Crop circle was the adopted designation for gigantic drawings that appear on the Harvest Fields across the world made by Pilots of our Cosmic Brethren assigned to Planetary Service for the Human Awakening Process

Re-unified flowers of life 

New Humans

The Awakening of the internal Crystal 


This Knowledge was left in Legacy under the voice 
יְשַׁ הָיָה

Ish - an ancient expression for Divine Light 
survived the cycles of time under the gentile designation 
of Isaiah, or Yeshua which is a derivation expression meaning Divine Light throughout 
(encompassing all universal frequencies and possibilities)

El'Ish'a - Divine Feminine
self awareness knowledge and wisdom
as important parts of 
salvation or σωτηρία


וְיָצָא חֹטֶר, מִגֵּזַע יִשָׁי; וְנֵצֶר, מִשָּׁרָשָׁיו יִפְרֶה

On that Day...

 1 - You shall say, "I thank You, Divinity, for Thou were wroth with me; may Your wrath turn away and may You comfort me

אוְאָמַרְתָּ בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא אוֹדְךָ יְהֹוָה כִּי אָנַפְתָּ בִּי יָשֹׁב אַפְּךָ וּתְנַחֲמֵנִי:
2 - Here is the Divine Light of my salvation, I shall trust and not fear; for the strength and praise of Eternity are my salvation

בהִנֵּה אֵל יְשׁוּעָתִי אֶבְטַח וְלֹא אֶפְחָד כִּי עָזִּי וְזִמְרָת יָהּ יְהֹוָה וַיְהִי לִי לִישׁוּעָה:
3 - And you shall draw water with joy from the fountains of All Divine Possibility

גוּשְׁאַבְתֶּם מַיִם בְּשָׂשׂוֹן מִמַּעַיְנֵי הַיְשׁוּעָה:
4 - On that Day you shall: Thank Divinity; Invoke the Holy Spirit; Voice those Luminal Codes among the Peoples; Keep it always in Remembrance for Great Spirit is ever exalted.

דוַאֲמַרְתֶּם בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא הוֹדוּ לַיהֹוָה קִרְאוּ בִשְׁמוֹ הוֹדִיעוּ בָעַמִּים עֲלִילֹתָיו הַזְכִּירוּ כִּי נִשְׂגָּב שְׁמוֹ:
5 – The Echoes of Divinity perform mighty deeds; this is Known throughout the Land.

הזַמְּרוּ יְהֹוָה כִּי גֵאוּת עָשָׂה מוּדַעַת (כתיב מיּדַעַת) זֹאת בְּכָל הָאָרֶץ:
6 - Shout and praise, O dwellers of Zion, for Great in your midst is the Holy One of Yis’rael.

וצַהֲלִי וָרֹנִּי יוֹשֶׁבֶת צִיּוֹן כִּי גָדוֹל בְּקִרְבֵּךְ קְדוֹשׁ יִשְׂרָאֵל:

built from personal reminiscence