Universe is letting everyone know they are Not Alone in Ways that Far Exceed Super Intelligent Bio-Existence and respective magical aircraft
This presentation focuses on the increased visibility of extraterrestrial aircraft below cloud level all around the globe, including over urban areas. Additionally, in the videos here below we find a recent deliberate public presence over select areas of military conflict or planned belligerence, such as Syria, Turkey, Russia-Ukraine and North Korea. These and prior conflicts have seriously impacted all of Humanity. Many groups have petitioned their governments, legislatures, religious and military structures for disclosure of Extraterrestrial presence motivated by a genuine but erroneous belief that those institutions held any real power or last word regarding this important issue. Over the course of Time such institutions have convinced themselves erroneously that their games of dissimulation of the Truth and mind control of the world population would prevail endlessly.
I. Cruising over Human military war games
This video shows us concurring planetary realities: the bombing of a target on the ground visually intercepted by two so-called "fastwalkers" or extraterrestrial vehicles deliberately flying past for the recording - the footage was subsequently released
video originally aired by News Channel Russia Today - RT
Here we can see a display of a Triangular aircraft projecting itself forward at speeds and in ways currently unknown to Humans, a maneuver conducted overtly and below cloud level
video aired by TV show Tercer Milenio of Mexico spoken in Spanish with English subtitles for wider reach
North Korea
Here we can see a low flying Horseshoe cruiser over the skies of North Korea supposedly filmed anonymously on location by the military establishment of that territory
In this video the witness captured on camera at least 10 extraterrestrial orbs cruising very slowly or stationed directly over Human military activity - overtly and for everyone to see
II. Who are these Extraterrestrial Pilots?
Thousands of stationary and travelling spacecraft around Earth
under the code name "space debris"
Humans have never been alone on this Planet. Humans are an evolving species who need to develop Peace and Mindfulness to be fully integrated in a larger Community of local and cosmic advanced Civilizations.
Thousands of stationary and travelling spacecraft around Earth
under the code name "space debris"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
video clip from the so-called STS-75 Space Shuttle Columbia
from the "Martyn Stubbs NASA Archives"
The footage on
the video here above looks like it was shot from the ground upwards pointing an
optical lens directly at the sky and the audio we can hear sounds
like a ground-to-ground communication between people speaking in code trying
to figure out the "fabrics" of what is on display: thousands of
aircraft and other entities floating around the Planet invisible to the naked Human eye.
Humans have never been alone on this Planet. Humans are an evolving species who need to develop Peace and Mindfulness to be fully integrated in a larger Community of local and cosmic advanced Civilizations.
The inscription on the satellite frame here under dated 1995 reads: USA NASA NOAA GOES-8. It features a 250 miles long vehicle casually cruising the Skies directly over the Southern tip of South America off the cost of Chile ; same vehicle was subsequently photographed over Southern Brasil . Some claimed that the original image had been "erased" by the "authorities".
Was the actual space
vehicle also erased along with the existing Sun Stars?
image readily available on the internet
Here below the
corresponding TV news release containing analysis of the case by Chilean institutions and aired by the local mainstream media
video subsequently erased from youtube
presumably it was creating discomfort
aired in Spanish with no English subtitles and very intuitive to watch
[Update after the video was deliberately erased - April 15, 2016]
When a large ou
small - depending on the perspective - 250 mile aircraft decides to simply turn
on the headlights - as a fraternal gesture - it may spare everyone the trouble
of erasing and fabricating youtube videos
Pacific Ocean
The Heart is the seat of the Soul
The Spiritual Message and evolutionary Purpose of Cosmic Contact has yet to be perceived by most of us. For those who weren't aware, a few years ago a Pilot of such an extraterrestrial aircraft deliberately allowed the recording of his own voice during a radio communication, also taped by the military institutions while he was making this comment to a person on the ground:
"We are always here; we are always attentive. It's you. You are the Ones who refuse to listen to the sound of your Heart"
Southern Chile
Was said Pilot referring to the need for a Heart-to-Mind connection at personal and planetary level?
Crop circle was the adopted designation for gigantic
drawings that appear on the Harvest Fields across the world made by local advanced
Civilizations assigned to Planetary Service
Has said Pilot designed this drawing in the form of a crop circle?
Portal for a New Way of Existence
In certain esoteric and military circles Rabbit hole is the common terminology used as a metaphor for portals or doorways leading to different timelines, realities and to other manifestations of Existence
Wars in the Middle East have been fought around ancient "biblical sites"
An all-seeing-eye in every cosmic photon
Certain portals are doorways which bear the responsibility of detecting, mirroring and reflecting the contents of the Soul
9: the magic number
vesica piscis
Should belligerent unconscious people even be allowed access to portals leading to subtler energies and to higher dimensions of Existence?
Is this the correct way to look for portals?
Are people looking for a way out?
Lost souls in search of a much needed higher Education in all matters
Inner Earth ~ Higher Earth - Inner Self ~ Higher Self
If you were not invited to other People's Home stay at your own and respect Mindfulness and Divine Existence
This Rule is applicable to All worlds within this Planet
Upper Inner Earth
Are Humans being manipulated by a lying force they can't understand?
Increased Atmospheric Change
[Confirmatory Update on February 16, 2016]
Goddard ISWA
Enlil Spiral
[Second Update February 18, 2016]
Confirmatory reaction on the ground - apparently and "suddenly" an...
"Astronomer from Moscow detected a new source of intense gamma-ray radiation in the Sky"
link to EurekAlert! - slowly, slowly but surely...
Fireball over Italy and France - still image
There is an obvious and sizable difference between the technological ability, cosmic science, planetary and biological Knowledge and level of Consciousness held by these Extraterrestrial Pilots when compared to modest and occasionally unfortunate cinematographic achievements by the People of the Surface.
Spirit Science is a reflection of cognitive reach. Humans may be a creative and inventive race; scientifically speaking Humans are mere infants when compared to other Civilizations.
Is it plausible that these Pilots have additional relevant Cosmic or Planetary Information? Should Humans happily continue playing the role of false space heroes and proud owners of false secret space programs? Or is it time to bring the show to a halt and try to understand the full scope and reach of previous communications by some of these Pilots?
Are these Pilots Time travelers? Would it be useful to actually realize the real origin of Climate change and what it may entail?
Wrath of Great Spirit
The Power of Elemental Consciousness
Off season Hurricane "Sandy" of 2012 considered the most devastating superstorm of that season; contrary to popular Human science this Hurricane accelerated dramatically upon hitting the shoreline
If it hadn't been pushed away in a hurry - what else could have happened? How many signs have the dormant People of the Surface ignored?
Opening Cosmic Portals
Portal for a New Way of Existence
cropcircleconnector archives
In certain esoteric and military circles Rabbit hole is the common terminology used as a metaphor for portals or doorways leading to different timelines, realities and to other manifestations of Existence
Inspired by sacred text they can't decipher or understand
by ancient symbols they can't decipher or understand
by ancient symbols they can't decipher or understand
by recent cosmic Information they can't decipher or understand
Wars in the Middle East have been fought around ancient "biblical sites"
Crossing portals requires Spiritual balance and aptitude, and the reflection of the perfect beauty and weightlessness of the Soul
An all-seeing-eye in every cosmic photon
Certain portals are doorways which bear the responsibility of detecting, mirroring and reflecting the contents of the Soul
9: the magic number
vesica piscis
Should belligerent unconscious people even be allowed access to portals leading to subtler energies and to higher dimensions of Existence?
Is this the correct way to look for portals?
Are people looking for a way out?
Occupation of Ziggurat Temples in the Middle East
Or were they also looking for a way in?
Caves of Afghanistan
Lost souls in search of a much needed higher Education in all matters
Inner Earth ~ Higher Earth - Inner Self ~ Higher Self
If you were not invited to other People's Home stay at your own and respect Mindfulness and Divine Existence
This Rule is applicable to All worlds within this Planet
Upper Inner Earth
Are Humans being manipulated by a lying force they can't understand?
Everyone shall find and enter the portal best suited for their level of Evolution and Consciousness
Ascension to higher dimensions of Existence requires Purity of Heart
The aura is a symbol of spiritual enlightenment and awaken consciousness
Most cosmic civilizations are in full possession of these faculties
The Heart is the Seat of the Soul
Have said Extraterrestrial Pilots jointly designed a No-Entry sign with respect to all planetary Rabbit holes for all those "who refuse to listen to the sound of their Heartbeats" at the behest of the governing Higher Realms of Divinity?
crop circle
cropcircleconnector archives
Will there eventually be a definitive separation of Timelines based on soul resonance?
fabrics governed by Great Spirit and by those who access force of Great
crop circle
cropcircleconnector archives
Certain portals
are channels of creational cosmic energy directed by centers of Consciousnesses
capable of lifting, obliterating, transporting or transmuting physical and
ethereal vehicles
"Above and below Water is a System Alive with Consciousness"
To be clear - the so-called "Bermuda Triangle" could serve as a simple localized example out of many of an active planetary portal or doorway to different Timelines run by Intelligent entities invisible to the Human eye and understanding
A planetary channel of Energy
Atlantic Ocean - Bermuda Triangle where many have vanished without a trace
A different Timeline is determined by an acceleration of Consciousness
Individual ~ Planetary ~ Cosmic
III. Was publicly cruising over Human military activities a deliberate Extraterrestrial Move caused by a cosmic Atmospheric Change?
the Diamond of Transformation and Cosmic Portals
Star System Sirius - the Three Brightest Stars in the Heavens
Kyrie Eleison ~Κύριε ελέησον
Atlantean Knowledge converted into Sacred Texts
Kyrie Eleison ~Κύριε ελέησον
Atlantean Knowledge converted into Sacred Texts
As a mere curiosity, here under a relevant Cosmic quantum physics and electromagnetic reference related to the progressive increase in high speed photonic energy descending from Heaven on the Planet capable of modifying the nature of physical matter, capable of changing the fabrics of biological matter and capable of opening portals. An important Cultural Information present in all religions and shamanic cultures around the world as a Legacy of Plato's living Atlanteans:
"Under the Light of Kyriou (in the Day of the Lord) the Heavens will pass away with a hissing sound and the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved and Earth and the works in it will be discovered” in Christian Bible, Greek Scriptures (also known as New Testament) Second Epistle of Peter 3:10. Episteme was the Platonic expression for True Cosmic Knowledge. Greek version: Ἥξει δὲ ἡμέρα Κυρίου ὡς κλέφτης, ἐν ᾗ οἱ οὐρανοὶ ῥοιζηδὸν παρελεύσονται, στοιχεῖα δὲ καυσούμενα λυθήσεται, καὶ γῆ καὶ τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ ἔργα εὑρεθήσεται. Transliteration of the segment: Íxei dé iméra Kyríou os kléftis, en í oi ouranoí roizidón pareléfsontai, stoicheía dé kafsoúmena lythísetai, kaí gí kaí tá en aftí érga evrethísetai".
Fibonacci spiral sign projected onto the Atmosphere simply means it's Time for mandatory evolution
Context provided in the previous publication related to the vast hidden Kingdom of Agartha:
The Perfect Cube
As stated in that post: "...The Cube: the element of conceptual earth, the holy stone, the anchor of projected light in Matter holding the golden sphere within representing the multidimensionality of Matter.."
Cosmic waves
Increased Atmospheric Change
[Confirmatory Update on February 16, 2016]
Goddard ISWA
Enlil Spiral
[Second Update February 18, 2016]
Confirmatory reaction on the ground - apparently and "suddenly" an...
"Astronomer from Moscow detected a new source of intense gamma-ray radiation in the Sky"
link to EurekAlert! - slowly, slowly but surely...
[Sequential and Third Update February 19, 2016]
Confirmatory reaction from Above
Fireball over Italy and France - still image
There is an obvious and sizable difference between the technological ability, cosmic science, planetary and biological Knowledge and level of Consciousness held by these Extraterrestrial Pilots when compared to modest and occasionally unfortunate cinematographic achievements by the People of the Surface.
A word to the
fans of cinematography: who appeared in Fatima in
1917 when the Human anti-Human league was still riding donkeys and why is this
event important with respect to certain "biblical references"
regarding the proverbial "End Times"?
Spirit Science is a reflection of cognitive reach. Humans may be a creative and inventive race; scientifically speaking Humans are mere infants when compared to other Civilizations.
Image captured by US Navy submarine of aircraft of non human origin in Arctic waters published around the world in 2015 for the Human Awakening
There are no alleged secret space programs of Human origin
Image captured by USS Trepang SSN-674 of aircraft of non human origin in Arctic water kept in secret until it was made public for the Human Awakening
Is it plausible that these Pilots have additional relevant Cosmic or Planetary Information? Should Humans happily continue playing the role of false space heroes and proud owners of false secret space programs? Or is it time to bring the show to a halt and try to understand the full scope and reach of previous communications by some of these Pilots?
Inner Fire
Striking down a meteor over Russian skies in 2013
Are these Pilots Time travelers? Would it be useful to actually realize the real origin of Climate change and what it may entail?
Wrath of Great Spirit
The Power of Elemental Consciousness
Off season Hurricane "Sandy" of 2012 considered the most devastating superstorm of that season; contrary to popular Human science this Hurricane accelerated dramatically upon hitting the shoreline
If it hadn't been pushed away in a hurry - what else could have happened? How many signs have the dormant People of the Surface ignored?
New York
IV. Is it Time for a new Educational Template and for the birth of a more conscious and harmonic Humanity?
Also from the above linked publication Inner Earth Rises:
"Planet Earth is a harbor for cosmic Humanities of different races, she is home for various resident elemental beings and other interdimensional entities, some of whom jointly conform the "Government" of Earth acting in conjunction with Higher Dimensions of Universal Consciousness dispensing interpretations of Divine Plans...".
Petra - Pedra - Πέτρα
The Holy Stone
Extraterrestrial Disclosure is not just about the existence of hidden and readily available technologies allowing for Free Energy for all.
It is about a wider program of Revelation or Apocalypses which embraces multiple aspects of interdimensional Philosophies, unveiling of the real origins of Mankind, planetary history, hidden realities of Earth currently unknown to the people of the Surface, laws and interactions of and between Cosmic races, and other layers of Universal Science and Infinite Possibility.
Update: incidentally, the "newly discovered" gravitational waves have been around since the formation of the Universe. Soon enough the People of the Surface will realize they can displace themselves through space-time surfing such gravitational waves by soul resonance - like Everyone else. [Paid-for fuels shall soon be a fossil in the distance]
Update: incidentally, the "newly discovered" gravitational waves have been around since the formation of the Universe. Soon enough the People of the Surface will realize they can displace themselves through space-time surfing such gravitational waves by soul resonance - like Everyone else. [Paid-for fuels shall soon be a fossil in the distance]
Humans have never been Alone in the Universe or on this Planet
So why do we keep referring to the resident advanced Civilizations as Extraterrestrial as though they were aliens or had just arrived?
Opening Cosmic Portals
Transformation of Matter
A Triumphant Soul is one who declares itself Free to Evolve knowing the access key to these opening portals is the synchronicity of the musical notes in our Souls with the larger Cosmic Symphony
Given the increasingly noticeable Atmospheric Change could it be Time for a few - the controllers of Mankind - to put down the suffocating weapons of social control that have caused the mental enslavement of all? Or have they forgotten they were also born on Earth in a Human body?
Make No Mistake
From up in Space -> and <- From Deep Underground
An overriding Message
There was an information assuring that the conduit would close - not necessarily by virtue of the actions of local advanced space aircraft - but by Cosmic impulse. Decades ago extremely basic Extraterrestrial technologies such as data storage systems, semi-conductors, elementary aeronautics or fiber optics and communication systems were introduced primarily to create a functioning social network of conscious people capable and willing to create a New Project of Existence - not to favor cartel or oligarchy dominance over others.
When an entity or institution is moved and governed by an immaterial and intangible force of pure destruction and self-destruction - what is the real nature of said driving force?
There is no technique that will artificially succeed in keeping the Children of Creation in the illusion of being separated from force of Great Spirit.
Presently for the salvation of Humanity everyone is necessary but no one should be strictly indispensable
Divinity giving back unto Caesars
Book of the Apocalypse
The Fig Tree analogy and the re-building of the New Temple seemingly no one understood yet - 12.000 years on
And there is still absolutely NO NEED to kill the Messengers!
Update January 31, 2017
The dramatic impacts of these events cause a rapid Atmospheric Change - which is in large measure responsible for the social turbulence that is currently felt across the World, as well as for some serious climatic and other types of earth changes. All of these circumstances were left behind as warning and as information in a series of ancient scrolls which came to be nominally known as "Bibles".
Universe is letting everyone know they are Not Alone in Ways that Far Exceed Super Intelligent Bio-Existence and respective magical aircraft
An overriding Message
We are all temporary guests sharing existence with many other Civilizations on this Planet. Seemingly the Planetary Hierarchy is openly issuing a special word for the religious-military sectors and for the dominant financial-economic institutions of our Humanity. As Spirits who
volunteered to be present here and now we should conceptualize these simple tutorial questions:
Assuming the Time has come to transform a flood of chaotic (dis)information, cosmic
ignorance, excitement mixed with fear into an assisted transitional Educational template for
an evolving species: has anyone
ever learned anything in a Classroom plagued with severe emotional
unrest, war and a concept of Peace based on social corruption designed for mass extinction? Is spying, copying and falsifying the Truth the correct way to Learn? What were the results so far? More ignorance and pain for Mankind?
With regards to the religious-military alliance:
Knowing that upon their physical deaths the controllers of Humanity are usually re-introduced back into life through new births to be on the receiving end of their prior deeds both victims and victimizers are caught in a wheel of karma.
Humans suffer from an acute sense of collective Orphanhood
With regards to the religious-military alliance:
Knowing that upon their physical deaths the controllers of Humanity are usually re-introduced back into life through new births to be on the receiving end of their prior deeds both victims and victimizers are caught in a wheel of karma.
Victims and victimizers caught in a cycle that can be reversed
Hallucinations and Ignorance of Light
Hallucinations and Ignorance of Light
Your wars are mental internal wars
Education Knowledge and Wisdom
bring Peace and Evolution
planetary mandalas
With regards to the financial-economic construct:![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhcpTm-W-6eYo0deLuM5l1FyHjVfh7pahoKMsti5WJNnJDJPASDSgvf6P3Ch9BgyZAVKGLhR7oHtY0PUIcmVRYSjaRcbiZ_1NrAn7cbiM2B-p_cy3A8CAt0dXTjHgBHftxBFI47nq8fgYs/s400/star-of-solomon-star-of-david.jpg)
planetary mandalas
[Fourth Update on February 23, 2016]
Cease-fire Agreement for Syria
There was an information assuring that the conduit would close - not necessarily by virtue of the actions of local advanced space aircraft - but by Cosmic impulse. Decades ago extremely basic Extraterrestrial technologies such as data storage systems, semi-conductors, elementary aeronautics or fiber optics and communication systems were introduced primarily to create a functioning social network of conscious people capable and willing to create a New Project of Existence - not to favor cartel or oligarchy dominance over others.
Looking back - here is the binary code message embedded in the disk:
"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. There is GOOD out there. We Oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING." - 2002
crop circle
cropcircleconnector archives
There is no technique that will artificially succeed in keeping the Children of Creation in the illusion of being separated from force of Great Spirit.
Basic initiation in Harmonic Co-existence - Instead of acting as instigators of personal and social violence will the parties in question avail themselves to join the creation of conditions for immediate social relief which shall subsequently be followed by the progressive implementation of additional transitory structures designed to pave the way for the birth of a New Humanity?
Presently for the salvation of Humanity everyone is necessary but no one should be strictly indispensable
Update, December 24, 2016
Representation of an Ancient Legacy
Greek Scriptures
Matthew Luke Revelations
Key of David ~ Key of Life
Anciently Dawith, or Thoth the Atlantean
Greek Scriptures
Matthew Luke Revelations
Key of David ~ Key of Life
Anciently Dawith, or Thoth the Atlantean
Solar Merkabah
Divinity giving back unto Caesars
Book of the Apocalypse
Greek Scriptures
Chapter 19
17 ~18 ~ 19
..And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair "Come, gather together for the great supper of God so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small." Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, the Cow and Goat.
Chapter 20
1~ 2 ~ 3
And I saw an Angel coming down out of Heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain
He seized that devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years
He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore
-> Expanding echoes <-
Update January 29, 2017
At-one-with Divine Mind
ReConnection to the Solar Disks
"Now as before, Solar disks are indicating cattle exchanges in the Temple"
The Fig Tree analogy and the re-building of the New Temple seemingly no one understood yet - 12.000 years on
And there is still absolutely NO NEED to kill the Messengers!
Update January 31, 2017
The graphics display
a series of ongoing intense infusions of Solar plasma - so to speak. They
represent the initial stages of the onset of a New Precessional Cycle - by
reference to the so-called Great Platonic year. * Incidentally, he was never
called Plato or Aristocles. His name was Ariston. And kleis means Keys.
The dramatic impacts of these events cause a rapid Atmospheric Change - which is in large measure responsible for the social turbulence that is currently felt across the World, as well as for some serious climatic and other types of earth changes. All of these circumstances were left behind as warning and as information in a series of ancient scrolls which came to be nominally known as "Bibles".
Will there be quantum cosmic consequences for ignoring or antagonizing the Message?
Parallel Universes of Existence can be created
There will be an Option for Peace and High Evolution
for those willing to
posted on Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations Facebook Page
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