Illustration of Subatomic Divinity in Matter
Inner Earth ~ Inner Self
The "Cube" is an ancient symbol of Matter and of Planet Earth
This geometry and the code 4444 have appeared on a number of occasions in crop circle drawings as a reminder of that Knowledge left behind by an ancient Atlantean Civilization, which actually existed. It still does.
From a series of personal reminiscences this post refers to the existence of naturally occurring portals capable of changing "Matter" as we know it, including biological matter. Some of these portals of energy were identified in ancient maps and are currently reopening due to cyclical cosmic activity.
The dawning of the Age of Aquarius is upon us and it is easily identifiable along the axial precessional rotation of the equinoxes, also known as the Platonic Great Year.
This geometry and the code 4444 have appeared on a number of occasions in crop circle drawings as a reminder of that Knowledge left behind by an ancient Atlantean Civilization, which actually existed. It still does.
From a series of personal reminiscences this post refers to the existence of naturally occurring portals capable of changing "Matter" as we know it, including biological matter. Some of these portals of energy were identified in ancient maps and are currently reopening due to cyclical cosmic activity.
The dawning of the Age of Aquarius is upon us and it is easily identifiable along the axial precessional rotation of the equinoxes, also known as the Platonic Great Year.
The post further reminds everyone of the existence of an important Inner Earth reality, Agartha or Agarthi, which is not common knowledge to the people of the Surface World.
I. Inner Self ~ Higher Self
Geometry is a direct emanation of Cosmic Law reflecting the Power of Abstract Mind and Unified Consciousness. Matter (matéria) is a manifestation of geometrical patterns by conscious impulse
Here are some remnants of this general Information conserved in Tibetan Buddhist symbols, reintroduced by the Platonic Teachings and now re-conceived
Sphere = the element of conceptual water, atomic rotation mirroring universal movement, the whole, and the holy mother
Semi-circle = the element of conceptual air, Spirit frequencies, the holy sea of universal vibration
Pyramid = the element of eternal fire, living consciousness, higher connection, the divine father, and purification
Cube = the element of conceptual earth, the holy stone, the anchor of projected light in Matter holding the golden sphere within
Ethereal blue drop = the element of pure Spirit, the eternal renewal, the infinite and unlimited universal possibility, Divine power
Based on some of those concepts left behind from the Past during the Middle Ages - i.e, during the Nighttime cycle of creation with an approximate duration of one quarter of the precessional Platonic Great Year - some may have been led to believe the Earth was square and flat, fire meant "hell", Matter was inert but perishable, and that infinite thought-possibilities were forbidden.
The atmosphere has since changed significantly
All of those elements are part of the Earth and they are themselves Living Forces. In Heaven as on Earth really means that Matter - as a reflection of pure Spirit - bears the same limitless Possibilities
As Above
So Below
Tubular spacecraft entering volcano Popocatepetl
when Fire doesn't burn
Orb flying low in Puerto Rico, Aguadilla
when Water doesn't drown
flying above and below water
New realities are emerging even if they aren't getting proper attention
Team successfully
reverses the aging process in mice - link to news article in Gizmag here and here from the Science Magazine "Nature". They believe they can apply this method to Humans - link to the news article in "The Guardian" here. Symbolically, brain cell degeneration may also be successfully repaired - link to "New Scientist" article here.
Slowly but surely a smarter, brighter and happier New World emerges, doesn't it?
A Cube - unit of six faces with multiple extra gravitational possibilites
These symbols and codes refer to the multidimensionality of Planet Earth and to the huge potential of Matter, including of the physical body which is the temple where the soul resides
waves do exist and are ripples in the curvature of spacetime
Spirit also Matters
Illustration of electromagnetic portals connecting the Earth and the Sun
Interstellar Portals
Cleansing Portals
Connecting Portals
Spirit also Matters
O Espírito projecta-se em Matéria
A Matéria reflecte-se no Espírito
A Matéria reflecte-se no Espírito
Illustration of electromagnetic portals connecting the Earth and the Sun
Interstellar Portals
Cleansing Portals
Connecting Portals
Sparked by cyclical activity, from Time to Time, Earth activates Portals along the Ley Lines opening strategic doorways affecting the whole planet
Rosa dos Ventos Celestes
Zoom in
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A few of such naturally occurring ethereal portals appear marked by approximation over the planetary ocean in ancient navigation maps. Here above - merely as academic examples - we can discern sensitive entries over Easter Island, the so-called South Atlantic Anomaly, North Atlantic,
Antigo mapa Português das capitanias do Brasil
Here the "South Atlantic Anomaly" is clearly marked as a relevant vortex
Modern day "South Atlantic Anomaly" marking
There are multiple internal and external Portal connections all around the Planet and this mechanism was fully known by Ancient Cultures.
Portals are powerful doorways connecting different manifestations and realities
Interstellar portals are channels of creational cosmic energy which open and expand, contract and close in predetermined cycles. In doing so, over the natural flow of Time creational portals have lifted luminous Civilizations and have subsequently obliterated individual and societal aspects incapable of voluntary transmutation at the end of each cycle to allow the New Ways to set in.
Those who have the virtue of Remembrance - easily understand that the cosmic Seasons of the Earth rule supreme.
Sunken memories
Information related to the Seasons of Creation carved in stone with cosmic knowledge currently unknown to the People of the Surface
Santa Fé, New Mexico
Axial precession of the equinoxes
Synchronicity with the new incoming Spirit frequencies is Key at all Times
Peace of Mind and Heart are required
Currently, a new daylight cycle of expansion of consciousness is initiating. It is known as the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. It's Time to embrace Change in every way
Rule of eternal renewal
Illustration of gravitational waves
Certain types of opening portals are designed to alter Matter ipso facto altering Time as well
Time is an essence that accompanies the geometrical gyrations of Matter. Time serves many other very useful functions. Mostly is it important to understand that Time is governed by Consciousnesses and Force of Spirit.
The Divine Particle
Spirit Crystal
4444 code
Earth, a planet bearing all possibilities of Matter
Oyagaa - is an expression meaning resonance of the "Cube" utilized by
an Extraterrestrial Civilization and it refers to Earth.
Not surprisingly the Perfect Cube was honored as the "Holy of Holies" by all Human religions as they are all legataries of that Ancient cosmic Wisdom
The Perfect Cube - Temple of Solomon
Not surprisingly the Perfect Cube was honored as the "Holy of Holies" by all Human religions as they are all legataries of that Ancient cosmic Wisdom
The Perfect Cube - Temple of Solomon
The Perfect Cube unfolds as a planetary Christian Cross
shape of the New Jerusalem
The Perfect Cube - Kaaba of Mecca
The Perfect Cube - Hindu swastika four magnetic poles
galactic rotation and integration at Heart level: 4th Chakra
Apart from living on the same Planet, people have more in common than what separates them - they are just not realizing it yet. Working together harmoniously could and should be very easy.
The Perfect Cube
square waves
לל Tetra'grammaton square wave לל
Mr. Gyro video
Crop circle was the adopted designation for gigantic drawings that appear on the Harvest Fields across the world made by local advanced Civilizations assigned to Planetary Service. Geometrical patterns bring back Knowledge lost during the Nighttime Cycle of Creation for the Human Awakening.
A rectangle is a cube in elongation carrying out an intended purpose - a projection
cropcircleconnector archives
4444 code
cropcircleconnector archives
Waves of cosmic creation
The Tree and the Golden Ratio
square waves
Tikal - Guatemala
square waves
Saudi Arabian Desert
zoom in
square waves
Hampi Temples - India
Glastonbury - United Kingdom
square waves
Santa Fé, New Mexico
The Tree channels and anchors Sunlight on the ground
4444 code
cropcircleconnector archives
The element earth is represented by the Cube-in-projection. Also designated as Hipercube this figure demonstrates the dynamic multidimensional structure and potential of Matter
Sacred Almond within
cropcircleconnector archives
At-one with Inner Earth and Inner Self
...when personal memories are true, honest, real and purposeful...
Mt Kailash ~ Tibet
stupa honoring an ancient calling and conceptual wisdom never forgotten
square waves
Persepolis - Iran
A legacy at once cultural and cosmic in
nature honored the world over
"Tomb of Darius" - Iran
dynamic square equation
In many ways the square wave represents the potential and multidimensionality of Matter, while it also symbolizes anchoring and integrating Spirit Light in Matter
cropcircleconnector archives
Andean Cross - Chacana
the golden generator
Solar Sphere as the God Particle
A Omnipresente Partícula Divina
multiple millennia old symbol
A projection carries an intended purpose
Ancient Voicings Honored
Angkor Wat
Teachings preserved on Structures
The whole Universe is a giant Living Ocean of Spirit waves decorated with islands of Galaxies, stars and planets, multiple forms of bio-existence, many different Civilizations, endless portals and new Crystals, unlimited manifestations and Infinite Possibility
Mosaic of cosmic waves ~ Ancient Israel
The Lace of Integrated Knowledge
Yet we could sum the origin in a simple trinity of
Light ~ Vibration ~ Projection
at One
with Divine Consciousness
Trinity Rule manifesting Divine Purpose
Andean Knowledge * Cosmic Heritage
Creational Spirit waves
Cosmic Knowledge carved in Stone
Densified Matter is a creation and a reflection of Spirit
cropcircleconnector archives
Conscious Matter is Spirit in Motion
Perspective * Rotation * Elasticity
Ancient Knowledge engraved in Stone
4444 code
Stellar dynamics carved in Stone
Geometry in action is a synchronization pendulum for Heart and Mind symmetries essential for crossing important portals. It's also an empowerment tool if applied in synchronicity with the All, at One with Divine Mind and for an integrated Purpose
Tesseracto ~ τέσσερα
Tessera is the Greek word for 4
"giving and receiving"
Access to the eternal present
"giving and receiving"
Access to the eternal present
Egyptian Wisdom
Soul motion in Balance
Freedom of conscious creation
of Atomic Divinity in Biological Matter
II. Inner Earth ~ Higher Earth
Our body is 70% water
Ethereal blue drop
"...Water is Alive with Consciousness..."
Famous Illustration of Inner Earth Cosmic Being
Cosmic Fraternity ~ Irmandade Cósmica
Planet Earth is a Mother of Life, a harbor for cosmic Humanities of different races, she is home for various resident civilizations of currently unknown races of beings, elemental beings and other interdimensional entities, some of whom jointly conform the "Government" of Earth acting in conjunction with Higher Dimensions of Universal Consciousness dispensing interpretations of Divine Plans
Inner Earth
Inner Earth - "Hollow Earth" - also known as the Kingdom of Agartha is an expression to signify hidden realities of Inner Earth currently unknown to the people of the Surface, hidden possibilities of Matter,
the opening of transformational portals by
virtue of cosmic activity engaging the Planet, and as a reminder of the holographic
nature of physical reality when observed from immaterial universal dimensions
yet veiled to the forgetful Human
Inner Illumination
The reassuring Presence of
advanced Civilizations simply reminds us of dormant abilities we need to reactivate
Lenticular vessel
An alignment with our own inner Divinity is the Way Forward
Thailand - a temple is a Perfect Cube in elongation
The real Portal is seeded inside of us
Daily reminder
The children of Divinity are everywhere even though sometimes we have difficulty in recognizing ourselves as part of the Universal Family
Os Filhos da Criação divina sempre estiveram presentes embora ainda sintamos dificuldade em reconhecermos-nos como parte desta Família cósmica
Aircraft of Non-Human origin
space traffic
Universe is an Ocean of Life
space traffic
A New Daylight Cycle is Dawning